
I met my pilot SO on OkCupid (I know) because he had the location settings on and happened to be going through O’Hare while I was visiting friends nearby. Had I been at home, the radius wouldn’t have been wide enough. I’m lucky that he fills exactly zero of the common stereotypes about pilots but I can see how Tinder

I would love to know more of your opinion on this topic because I feel like I’m watching that exact situation play out in real time. Does this really happen to a lot of 30-somethings? What’s the resolution?

I can’t believe it’s almost been a year since I wrote that! But I would say the better part of the last year needed to be about healing myself and being happy with who I am alone. I had tried dating right after the breakup and it wasn’t fair to the guys I dated because my heart wasn’t in it. Give yourself time to find

I agree! Shawn has just gotten less and less attractive as the season has progressed. I was talking more about the sexy Bens but I will admit I had the hots for Nick on Andi’s season. Pee pants baby is a perfect descriptor.

This theory makes a lot of sense but I wonder what it is about Nick that’s quite so irresistible to these Bachelorettes. Is it his feigned, dorky insecurity? That “Aw, shucks, me?” bashfulness that gets all these gorgeous girls, with legitimately good-looking dudes to choose from, picking Nick? It must be some

Amen. All these attractive men vying for your attention and Kaitlyn is the first Bachelorette in franchise history to get it on before the assigned Fantasy Suite night? GET IT, GIRL. LIVE THAT DREAM.

Amen. And when those dong-blinded half-wits ignore the sage advice of the other women in the house, they end up chosing the house villain and looking like a fool on the ATFR being like “Why did no one tell me she was so mean?”

My friends and I like to pick apart the dynamics of every episode (I KNOW, I KNOW) and lately, we’ve been especially interested in what a huge difference there is between snitches on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. To the point of becoming a cliche, the girl on The Bachelor who tells on the house villain is

Definitely went away too quietly after all the blustery rhetoric leading up to his departure. I’d like to think they’ve milked all the drama from Tony that they can but dumb Brady and Britt are still a thing so I don’t think it’s the last we’ve seen of him.

My mom is that book-giving aunt and it inspires the same reactions in her sister’s grandkids. The problem is they own EVERYTHING. There quite literally isn’t a toy on God’s green earth that these kids don’t have. It's so bad that their parents started asking for doubles (Well, she has the pink and purple ones but you

I am ashamed I know this but a recent episode of Sister Wives repeated this bullshit advice almost verbatim. Obviously this book wasn’t out yet but it makes me really sad that a wide swath of women in our population not only perpetuate this horrendous advice (“I’m an insufferable harpy when Aunt Flo is in town!


I really thought they were going to keep pushing Britt as Bachelorette. They vilified Carly and made Britt seem like an innocent to everything that went down. Not to say Carly wasn't mean but Britt wasn't blameless. Then they did that little "behind the scenes" clip with her telling Chris Harrison she still believed

Leading up to last night, I got the impression it was a personal choice on Becca's part but her phrasing of it in the interviews ("waiting for marriage" stuck out) last night made it sound more like a religious thing.

While I think some of the other characters are still trying to find their sweet spot on this show, Constance Wu has been killing it from the pilot episode forward. She is the reason I tune in every week and even if it takes a bit for them to fine tune Randall Park (who I also love but his character just isn't there

As someone mentioned upthread, Carly is beautiful by any conventional beauty standards but not Britt-level beautiful. And I saw a lot of "always the funny BFF, never the romantic lead" aspects to Carly's arc on the show. You're right, she really seemed to be stepping deliberately into the friendzone with Chris when

Ahh...yes. This is what makes me miss our late grandmother all the more. She would be the first to tell her to be stop being such a self-involved little twit and register for more than two cookie sheets and a pot holder. That all of this whining and carrying on about how materialistic and awful the act of registering

Not offended at all. I'm endlessly frustrated at how childish they're being. They have been acting like I'm the monster putting irrational demands on their time by asking them to register because can't I see they already have a million other wedding things to do? The bride has already thrown a fit over every shower

Yes! All of this advice is awesome and I have totally gotten the:"Well if they don't want to shell out $200 for a juicer they don't think we'll use, they'll just write us a check." Um, no. They'll buy you something that, in their minds, is the better choice that you were too dumb to know you desperately needed. Most

I love this story.