
Just to pre-empt the outraged:

Aw shucks. Where will I get my Casual Friday outfit now?

Now playing

Or the “Jetpack” that wasn’t a jetpack

But it’s designed on a computer. In 3D! That makes it new. Or something.

Wow Apple just got beat up by a little girl.

This isn’t simply about the artists. The writers and producers are also not being paid.

“Ever heard of the word in this image? Probably not, because, until this month, that word didn’t exist on the Internet.”

I mean come on, apple is the one trying to build interest in an service which has established competitors, how the hell can you justifying making artists cover the marketing capital

Well call me cray-cray but when a website hires a repeat serial rapists, gives him a platform to attack his critics who are pointing out the racist shit he is saying, and then very sheepishly releases an “ops our bad let’s never discuss this again” post when he finally gets arrested AGAIN...

Less people buying gas will make gas more expensive for the rest of us.

Interesting twist on the logic.

They did this without a PT belt... HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE!?

“Blah-blah-blah something-something crossing the country in an electric car would take weeks blah blah blah” - every EV hater

The internet has ruined me. As I was reading the post, all I kept thinking was “yeah, but what are they trying to advertise?”. “Glad” my feeling was right.

Once again, proving the music industry is run by idiots. This rule is totally unenforceable, and irrelevant in the age of .mp3s

Many people never go anywhere outside of their comfort zone. For example, I spent a few years living in the US midwest. I met a lot of people who said that they had never left their state and were proud of that.

Me too... the heel looks too big and out of proportion.

You’d think that people would see the low funding goals as a red flag.