
God your delusional.... Not to mention I haven’t been following this thread since I originally posted . You might have noticed I’m only replying to you when I see you I reply.

Stay on that side of the country!

I think the only one here that isn’t honest is you ... I think all your comments are just a cover for you trying to say awful things .... Maybe you should look in the mirror ( and read your own comments ) and you’ll see that the only one throwing around hate here is you ( not to mention to what detail you go to

I just pointed out it was Bruce not Caytlin on the Boxes ....

NASA please send Mentos & Coke up to the ISS.

No .... Did I say any of that of that ?

Thanks for posting a disclaimer , I like it when writers are up front about where they stand in relation to a commercial product. I wish more would do it, because I see so many reviews that seem to bought and paid for.

Who cares? That’s not the point.

Last time I check Bruce was on the Box ....

Like most Scandinavian food it was a created on a dare ....

I spend a lot of time in Norway for work ... Pretty much all the food there is foul .

I think your just ignoring some inconvenient truths , by pretending these things don’t exist or if they do only by a fringe minority. But the reality is they are part of the dogma thought by a large part of the evangelical right not to mention their efforts to influence law makers all over this country .

Grandiose screen names often tell a lot about what a person hopes others will think of them ... BoyGenius , I hate to break it to you it’s not working.

When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck ...

“I know everyone hates to think about this, but you know, when you have relations with someone, regardless of contraception, you accept the inherent possibility that you become pregnant,”

Why not call them what they are, anti-abortion anti-women’s reproductive rights or just anti-women’s rights ?

I live in an area of where I would have thought many people would buy them. And I’ve seen only a handful of them on peoples wrists. I think at a certain income level if you’re going to have something expensive on your wrist it probably comes from Switzerland not Foxconn.

Probably should have gone around ....

I don’t know Bergen has always been pretty good for me, landing in Kristiansund has caused me to pucker up a few times.

Sometimes mine is too ...