
Meh ...I have a Space Needle out my window ...

Well I guess if you if you think lying and false bravado and sending others of to a B.S. war makes one an adult ....

“ If you sport an Android device, it can be nice to play around with apps in the enemy universe.

So how about Sploid ? You know the ones that put Sploid watermarks on material they didn’t create, or not show image credits ? ( or crop an image to remove the original watermark )

I think people who know, understood why physical media still plays an important role...

Well we’ve already seen Gawker helps extortionist do their work ....

Thanks, its nice that you took the time to provide all those links...

And nothing but the clicks ... Human decency be damned.

“Hackers Threaten to Expose 40 Million Cheating AshleyMadison Users”

I put out some troll bait after seeing responses to a previous GMO safety articles here ... There was common theme if you didn’t agree with the article your anti-science or your an idiot. And the attacks where pretty harsh...

Just a few thoughts why I posted

We had a construction worker take an old potato masher grenade right into the EDO office ... They ran out : )

“they but one player in a revolution in plant and animal breeding that offers the key - the one and only key - to feeding the world’s burgeoning population and improving nutritional standards in the bargain. “

Actually I’m a Hydrographer, with a lot experience of oceanography but that’s not really relevant to this discussion ...

Sorry I’m just not a zealot like you, I’m not married to any idea ... But this being the interwebs you can think off me any way you want if that makes you happy : )

I was stationed at an Air Force base in Germany that was on land that used to be the Siegfried during WWII line. The EDO guys kept giving briefings not to touch any metal objects in the ground, and pretty much every time the dug a hole there they found more UXO’s

As another bleeding heart lefty ( ok not on everything ,I don’t feel much pity of the Greeks these days ) with a long history of working in science. I would say science often doesn’t have the final answer rather than the best answer the sate of the art gives us at the moment.

Ever heard of regulatory capture ? I know for a fact it happens in my industry, and having worked for government before, it would be naive to think it doesn’t happen in other parts of government. And lets be honest, history has shown all us kinds of institutions have stood behind bad science before.

It doesn’t hurt ... I think your only reading part of my comments or maybe your just conveniently ignoring it because it doesn’t fit your narrative.

Maybe, maybe not....