
Or somebody who is very pro science, but is smart enough to realize industry has a habit declaring things perfectly safe before they know it , or in some cases they just don’t care.

I’ve seen it recently ... It’s nice to see close up pics of the pod.

Hey look another useless LCS ...

Good parenting and swift kick in the ass, might solve your indigo child problems : ) When did all children become special little snowflakes ?

‘Yes, GMOs are Safe to Eat”

I think there is big difference, between well paid Freelancers and people who are categorized as such because the people that hire them want to pay the least amount possible.

Yeah I know people check comment history, I do it all the time with people I respond to (including you).

“No opinion either way.” speaks volumes about your morals.

Oh look a Jordan Sargent fan...

So Maddie, what’s it like to work for an organisation that would publish Jordan Sargent ?

Lets talk about Jordan Sargent instead , because without addressing this Gawker media has ZERO credibility ...

I still have windows 2k systems to deal with, there is lots of specialized gear in racks in really old boxes. And if its doing its job it wont get replaced anytime soon.

I guess you’ve never had to work on computers in remote locations ?

Chris I figured you’d been out in the sticks enough to know dial up isn’t dead ...

There is something to be said for physical media ...

Ok, there’s some bizarre logic ... Got any other great ideas ?

I didn’t care either until someone did it to me .... It seems many people that run commercial website think anything they find on the web is free for the taking and for them to make a buck with.

I got banned for telling former Giz editor Jason Chen the cops where going to come over to get the iPhone prototype .... I was right they did .

I don’t think fair use includes watermarking others work like SPLOID does all the time ...

Yes.. I’m like broken record on this. Glad you noticed.