Here is Weatherly Pa.
“Wouldn’t it be great if Americans took hillclimb as seriously as the Europeans do?”
It’s called the Superchicken. Twin turbo V-6 Audi. 4-wd. But you get the idea.
Dayum Caleb-I had to go back and see if I didn’t write that! Same thought on the Dodge trucks of the 90's. I hated it. But it became the norm. All of them look silly now-and each out doing each other. I guess that’s whats in now. Sigh...
There! See what happens when you don’t put your shopping cart back? (Sorry to make fun -hope no one was hurt.)
that foot is all overhang. Much more legroom in the Sprite. The Fiat has your feet about 4 inches off the center of the steering wheel to clear the wheel arch bulge.
Oh staaap! Its only a mile!
How about freedom from pressurized cabins?
I want to have sex with it.
I used to race with a guy-he was hi end computer stuff for years and years-long before it became fashionable. he got bought out-stock split or something that made a regular guy rich overnight.l He was the quirky kinda guy you totally see in the job. He spoke little of what he did—or if he did, none of us understood…
He’s drag racing from corner to corner.
Hey Alcoholic-you race much? Didn’t think so. Wanna see the x-ray of my thumb that got caught in a fastly spinning wheel spoke? Take “your dainty ass wrist” off the keyboard and go out and do some racing in an open wheel car! Bang wheel! Hold the wheel tight LIKE A MAN. Show us how its done keyboard hero!
Be American. Do this to a 64 Lincoln convertible.
Didnt he call his good friend Bubba right after he said it?
It might have been something to do with the fact trucks would come in the country without beds on them to get around the ‘chicken tax”.
We got rage over this-tomorrow there be an article about the latest cannonball record. Also-’sorry officer-i had no idea there would an airplane flying so low in the valley-good thing i had my camera ready.”
They sell plenty of blinker fluid you know.