You ever see an all glass 3 story stand-alone Hummer showroom? That sure wasn’t a dealership’s idea!
You ever see an all glass 3 story stand-alone Hummer showroom? That sure wasn’t a dealership’s idea!
“Eh, its more of a Shelbyville idea, anyway.” You beat me to it. Enjoy your star!
I got a tour of the GM assembly plant in Leominster, Ma. in the late ‘70's. They were doing intermediate sized cars. On the bus ride home, everyone compared notes of what we saw. OMG! Seeing guys sleeping in the racks/missing lug nuts/ Cars being taken over 100 mph on the dyno 30 seconds after its first start/ Every…
I get the point of your article. I used to drag race bikes. I’m from Ct. so all the races were down south or out west. Atco, NJ was the closest track-then a few in Delaware/Maryland. Plenty down south to Fl. We’d always come home Sunday night. And even though from the bottom of the Pike is 5-7 hours from my driveway,…
The ‘flying car’ part is easy-ish. It’s the intergrating them into 100+ years of automobile infustructure. The person that pulls out of Dunkin’ Donuts in front of you without looking? Are they gonna VTOL into you now? And how do you pull up to the drive-thru window when you got props protecting you from 6 ft away? And…
Don’t laugh-I saw that in New Zealand! On dirt-you didn’t know the direction until you pulled on the track!
You don’t have a driving a manual problem, you have a clutch take up problem. 90% is taking off from a stop. You get over that, the rest is cake. Make sure you set your seat so you can get the clutch pedal to the floor.
I was gonna say Buick Riviera-but would believe the Chevy too.
I had my shot glass ready for the first Pee Wee reference. Thanks for not making me wait!
Yea--I still have one. My son always called it the Titantic light. Now I got to look at it totally different. Thanks.
And they all parked at the pump.....
Try airports. Seriously-hangers are big-and if they hve other spaces like quonsit huts that planes won’t fit-go cheap. A large hanger could fit 10 cars- and I think my buddy was paying $600? a month,
Does anyone remember the Jalop article “How did you end up with your PT Cruiser?” The answers were great. From the most common “ my grandmother died-and I inherited it.” To the guy who accidently won it in a pool tournament he didn’t plan on entering. (And didn’t know the prize until they handed him the keys!)
Would you believe the wiring harness was MADE to decompose? This was gonna be the most recycled car. An EU requiement at the time. Big failure.
<— w210 owner. 1997 E300 diesel. I shop the papers for Benzes all the time. If the car was in one family, and all the services have been done, It's worth more than one that just shows up on CL. You can find these for $2k all day long -maybe they need a part-or a bit of clean up. If you can afford $6500 for a clean…
There is a whole lot of metal in a sub the ISN”T part of the hull.....
Dafque? You know-it might be a good night to sleep on land. Especially with the dogs and kids? If the whole idea was you were ‘keep an eye on the boat so nothing happens to it” well you suck at that too!.
Geeez- the least you could have done was save a convertible.