
I thought I had it good-I figured out a way I can see the world while riding a KLR-and they station me on a friggin’ aircraft carrier!

I was just bringing something up today to the guys at work. I remember way back in the 80’s some tv show was at an Italian car show. There was Jay buying a couple of cars. (This was when he was just starting to guest host the Tonite show). his comment -”For $20k I can buy an old Maserati-or a new Acura-which you think

The term that gets used on a forum I go to ( about motorhomes-”sticks+staples.”

Dummy-they can’t get anyone to show up at the HOF when its open-and you get there at 1am!

Me too. (see avatar) Been racing one for 15 years.

Eat breakfast at Miss Wellsboro diner before you go.

Racers race-thats what we do. Go karts-dirt cars-whatever. Besides the fact the between any winnings + sponsor money from Monster its a payday that more than you-I and the next 5 posters make in a year.

Growing up, I had many Datsuns. At the time, they were just used 10 year old cars. I bought many for $100 or less. 110's-pick ups-610's-a roadster (that was too rough to begin with-and never completed) and my all time favorite-the 510. I shared a house with a guy that bought + repaired 240Z's. We had a field filled

Godspeed Mr. K. Congrats on a long life filled with many people you made happy.

""and roads that are kept in purposely bad condition to test out suspension, tire, and braking systems to their fullest"" No-Bulkley Hill Rd. has always been like that.

Welcome to East Haddam-and welcome to the former ;-( Connecticut Dragway. It still makes me sad.

Dammit-I can only click the star once...

Really. The thing would scrape if it crossed a double yellow line.

Ok-lets see you take that down your average residential driveway. And back out without hitting the mailbox. Yea-an F150 would be better for that job.

No thats New Jersey. Don't move there instead.

You-I and most any respected builder/bodger don't need Radio Shack-all we need is that one 4 sided stack of drawers that had all the good stuff in it.

I don't think so. The timelyness (is that a word?) is sad-but not the means. That car WAS him-and he was the car. You can tell he worked on the car alot becasue he loved it. So he died doing what he loved. Better that than caught up in a drive by shooting-or hit by a drunk driver.

Close your eyes and picture that done up as a Lightning—-whoa..

Headline: Bacon the dinosaur breaks another car-suprises no-one.

Instead shes now finding satanic symbols in school bus taillights.....