
Trump people: We will literally murder every single liberal with our bare hands and enslave their children.

When an EV owner connects to the electric grid, how much are they paying for the extra generation, transmission, and distribution costs that they are imposing on the grid, and will those embedded costs rise over time?

People in Australia...

I would say by and large, for the majority of the population, the public transportation system is generally good enough to serve the needs of most. But there are always situations when you will need a car, like say if you need to drive your young kids or aged parents out.

Hate the game, not the playa? 

Did the Range Rover get stuck or did it just break down as per usual?

Oozing rust from every pore

Nice X5! That’s what I have now. A G05 X5, the PHEV. I ended up having to order it, because none of the ones on the lot had the adaptive cruise. It’s Phytonic Blue.

That is precisely what I did mid pandemic before prices got stupid for under 20k. 

Yeesh! I distinctly recall paying $24,000 and change for an off-lease 2016 535i xDrive with options (M Sport, Comfort Access, Navigation, Multi-Contour Seats, LED Lights, BLIS) in March the BMW dealership

Wow, he’s reached the Nader of his journey as a homeowner.

 Pay nine bucks a day, and you can do whatever the hell you want with a rental car.’

it is with that attitude, mister!

Larry Craig.

Famous words to die by.

Rush sounds like a moron. All those things can fail and you’d be okay? How about being lost at the bottom of the ocean with limited oxygen? What a dummy. 

I’m an engineer that worked in automotive design for several years and I’m now the NA President of a B2B customer product company. I’m in this position because I’ve been very successful at coming up with solutions to ideas and bringing that solution to reality very quickly and cost efficiently (and on time).

i would love to see how citizens of la jolla would react to this

That story has stuck with me due to the horrifying concept. Eternity of solitary confinement + sensory deprivation in an instant. No, please.