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To Live and Die in LA.
Quantum of Solace.
6 Underground. Mayhem. Fast Cars. Gunshot Wounds. Humor delivered by Ryan Reynolds.

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The French Connection. Chasing under the Elevated train line in my old neighborhood. Hat tip to Ronin as well.

The ute genuinely surprised me. Not because it’s been utes for a couple of weeks, because that ugly ass thing turned into a truck is the greatest idea that has ever happened to a PT Crusier.

The issue with the Prius is the owners. Lady, you are not “saving the planet” by driving 45 miles an hour on the freeway with your windows down to avoid using your AC.

If you go by dollars/pound, the M5 Touring is really quite reasonable.  

My favorite of all time.

Yeah, and honestly money is the only thing they’ll understand.

How many corners do they get to cut before it is an issue?

The pattern of problems over the last decade says otherwise. What’s come out in previous legal cases says otherwise. There’s not a lot of evidence supporting Boeing anymore. Proving willful disregard for safety may be difficult, but gross negligence? That’s going to be a hard fight for Boeing, and it’s going to

You can’t convince me that the Federal government had no idea about his drug use. However, now that it’s out in the main stream media, it will be interesting to see how they respond with respect to his security clearance and funding for his companies.

I bought a ‘97 4Runner new, and cared for it well. Drove it to just shy of 300,000, and then gave it to my son when he turned 16, and got an ‘06 Sequoia. Yes, the truck was older than he was. I think you know where this story is going...... He.... totaled it in a crash. Was he OK? YES. Was it “just a truck.” YES. And,

No, they built them LHD for export.  With a few limited exceptions they sold a lot more British sports cars over here than at home.

Came to comment.  Read this first.  Nothing else to add.  Take your star!


Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we will prove three things here. First, my client was nowhere near the scene of the crime. Second, my client did not know that the gun was loaded. And finally, my client fired in self-defense.

lmao, of course, because Trumps the voice of angelic reasoning.

Now there’s a new one that claims it’s the Secret Service’s fault because they wouldn’t take Trump to the Capitol to stop the violence.

Trump people: We will literally murder every single liberal with our bare hands and enslave their children.

When an EV owner connects to the electric grid, how much are they paying for the extra generation, transmission, and distribution costs that they are imposing on the grid, and will those embedded costs rise over time?

People in Australia...