
corporate democrats/republicans can’t understand why anyone would come to congress and work for voters instead of corporations & the rich. That’s why they are deathly afraid of AOC and don’t want her to ruin their gravy train.

Now playing

Every time Trump talks, all that runs through my head is the Carlin bit on how the Baby Boomers are a terrible generation in general.


I once saw a man shit into a cardboard box while waiting for the L train. I now consider that the second most offensive thing I’ve ever seen in the subway.

Someone please inform this discount bin Kardashian that only garbage people pull this shit. Take that bad party idea to Chuck E Cheese where it belongs. I hope at least they cleaned up that mess they made.

As a licensed curmudgeon, may I just wish these attention-seekers all a case of shellfish poisoning and go about my day?

or PF Changs

That’s the last time I feed my manifold Taco Bell...


but you cannot protect consumers from their own stupidity.

Restraining Orders, How Do They Work? 

Guess the ship is going down with the captain, then?

Exactly. He’s been highly influential in 2 key areas: 1) The viability of EV cars as standalone, desirable, and even performance-focused products, and 2) his charging infrastructure.

Unlikely. Usually these things are ‘no admission of wrongdoing’ to keep shareholders from suing.

Like, you know intellectually that the Green Monster is super shallow, but damn. There’s shallow and there’s rando dude-hitting-the-infield-on-the-fly shallow.

She knows what she has.

This guy gets it.

That Z/28 may be the pinnacle of automotive beauty.  The proportions are simply perfect.

Can be found all day under 50k, coupes, convertibles you name it. 
