
He’s a con man. You’re made to feel special in that “this is how it is done by the uber rich” sort of way, and also explained off that Porsche AG requires Champion to “distribute” cars in such a fashion if they want to continue getting more cars than other dealers. Again, he’s a con man and will know which buttons to

Florida man strikes again!

I They don’t understand it”  FTFY

trump has already found a fox to appoint as head of that particular henhouse

Dirty Dozen.  Memorial Day classic. 

Well it gets very close to $40k if you opt for the TruCoat, and let me tell you, you’re gonna want the TruCoat


His appeal comes from his eyes. When he is flatulating he looks into the camera and straight into your soul. You truly feel that he is not releasing gas from his ass because his body compels him to but because he wants you to know what it means to be human.

>Since Porsche likely knew what it had

The best (worst?) part of this is that any of of these three could be named any one of those three names.  Ideally, all three would be named Taylor.

Jesus that’s depressing. One little blip of color.

Three yellow vehicles and one was a school bus? What’s wrong with us...


Looks like 90's turquoise is back on the menu.

Gotta love that the car leading the charge of beige was a PT Cruiser.

That's sort of amazing.

That poor little orange guy. What a great video!

That may be one of the coolest videos I’ve ever seen!