
All the colors!

Nixon’s hair makes it look like Stone’s back is growing pubes. 

Welp, Stephen Miller is a vile piece of shit. May his every personal interaction unnerve and upset him.

All that doesn’t mean Stephen Miller isn’t a White Nationalist.

“You’re driving it wrong.”

If i were buying a Tesla, i would opt for the All-Weather package, unlike these two cheapskates.

Auction: 8/25

When the steroids make you confrontational, but the soy protein makes you weepy. - How I assume the deadlift cop arrived at his emotional state. 

“You may have to wait 25 years to import one to the U.S.” - made my eyes rain. 

It all starts with one. 

I own a 2017 TDV6 diesel Discovery HSE and have put a little over 14,000 miles on it in the last year. My opinion is that it is a great vehicle and anyone who doesn’t at least test drive the diesel is doing themselves a serious disservice. Here are some impressions from the last 14 months:

200 series Volvo is the only answer.

James May already answered this, a VW Golf. And I agree. It’s every car you can possibly need.

I don’t know why they stopped making the perfect car...

This is a good pick. I like its cousin also.......

The free market has never existed, except in theory. Governments regulate all sorts of things. Always have and always will. Why the government regulates things is constantly changing ... but they do, and will continue to. A truly free market has never existed. What you have instead is a regulated market. You’re free

Yeah, I mean why can’t we just let endless masses drive for pennies as their sole job!  Flooding the streets looking for fares!  The humanity!


Flinging ourselves headlong into bankruptcy to own the libs...