
Well, asking a question or not; it’s still a bit of victim blaming. It’s not like your post also included anything about how messed up it was that these guys did this in the first place. They took advantage of this poor woman. I get what you were going for there, but I can also see why you received the responses you

Maybe we don’t victim-blame grandma and help, ok there, Sparky? If not, maybe go tell your grandma how dumb she is, since you’re so smart and cool.

Idk, something about those taillights says Tundra stepside to me, might explain the dually look too. Doesn’t look big enough to be a full-sized dually to me, but you’re right that the way the light hits the bed makes it look like a dually bulge. My money is on a Tundra stepside.

Absolutely spot on. Having spent a good chunk of time in SF and seen companies like Uber and Lyft come about it’s infuriating seeing how badly everything was handled. But of course most people just summarize it as “cabs = euh, uber is cool!” and don’t pay much attention beyond that. The city royally screwed up with

Holy crap who do I need to fuck to get more pictures of Corrados around here?

That building was fortified (and still being) fortified when he became president by the Secret Service. If things work out (impeachment or resignation) some if not most of that electronic fortification comes out when he becomes a private citizen.

I ran a dealership for a concern that was, shall we say... under organizational control. One winter day a black helicopter landed from nowhere in the used car lot. Two guys got out from under the snow clouds and circled the building with clipboards, animatedly talking. After about 20 min. they climbed in the copter

Every time I set foot in that building, I felt like I was passing through the colon of a creature made of weatherbeaten prosciutto.

This is beyond anything you can use on the motorway and is too much of a fat bastard to go up in the canyons. This is $130k of I just made partner. And those people are assholes  

A little background on this guy.

Came here to find this. I can leave this article satisfied now.

As always, thanks for your honesty Kristen. I picked up an E60 M5 last year with 83k on the clock, and rod bearings/ VANOS/actuators,etc were already done. I just passed 98k the other day and have been wondering how the two compare. It’s interesting that the new 8 speed seems reminiscent of the SMG III. The 2 second

New M5 is fine, but old M5 is more appreciated.

God, that picture makes me want that car so badly. The color, the ski rack, the complete impracticality of that thing in the snow - WANT!

See, I want this car because I watched Roger Moore as a kid. To me, I can’t imagine not playing the James Bond theme every time I drive it. I would be sitting in the driveway going “Ba Ba da ba DAH, ba da da!” every time I try to start it and have it click. Shoot, if it failed to start, I would likely jump out, roll

I’m guessing the owner won’t be able to come down in price much. He’s likely underwater with that Lotus.

I’m pretty sure you should be in business. What’s the worst that could go wrong with that fine summation above?

This is what they’re going to play when they give him that Lifetime Achievement Award at the Oscars someday.

As a former owner of an ‘87-ish Quantum—a Passat with the 2.2L I5 Audi motor–I’d never own one of these screaming turds longer than necessary to get it from Point A to the car shredder. (Assuming it made it under its own power, and I ain’t taking bets.) I might even lay out shekels just for the singular pleasure of

We can only hope.