
I’m old enough to remember when Billy Ocean preached a move towards safety, as the nation’s ladies incrementally removed themselves from my dreams, securing themselves comfortably within my conveyance.

I saw them in Dallas at the Arcardia (probably the same tour), which was this very small hole-in-the-wall venue (burned down and has since been rebuilt, but its not the same). It was my first mosh pit and perhaps the most deafened I’ve been after a show. Man, they killed. I saw them a couple of times after that, but

I agree about the boarding - and when you have the 1-30, 31-60 lines with regular planes with assigned seating, everyone STILL crowds up on the lines ahead of them, so it doesn’t accomplish much more (gate lice).

I know people love to crack on Southwest because it’s economy, the cattle-call-style boarding, no first class, no meals unless x amount of hours, et al.

This! We normally fly Delta but couldn’t find tickets to where we were going. Only United was available. We experienced unfriendly staff with bad attitudes. We found out we had no hotel to go to due to a weather event, and the United agent refused to take our bags off the plane, stated we had to fly to our

Without a doubt, this is, by design, less space than you have in cabins for our customers who desire a different product.”

i get what you’re saying, and you absolutely have a point, especially if you’re talking about a smaller company.

No, it’s not an ideal tax by any stretch of the imagination.

How does one survive in today’s world without sending money to massive corporations? You need a phone and a computer, many people need a car, and you have to bank with someone. You need to shop for groceries, buy gas and internet service. It’s inevitable and unavoidable.

Have you ever fucking been to California? I’ve read this perverse right-wing extremist version of it before and it’s complete bullshit. And if you say, “I know it’s like this because I live there” then Alabama or Mississippi will be happy to have you.

He must have confused them with Van Morrison...

Not to mention - why the fuck would you want your personal pillow to come in contact with any surface inside a plane? It’s bad enough your body has to be inside the plane sometimes...

Damn, I forgot about that movie.  You are right, hurts me admit it, but there is good movie that Tom Cruise was actually great at.

Tool for life here, then. Douchebag.

Nearly every major American city has a similar system. Likely yours too. Far more economical when heating large buildings. And just like any other piece of infrastructure like a water, gas, or sewer main, sometime things happen.

I put three of my children in it and they bitched and moaned the whole time

Many scenic routes in Texas.

All right. I’ll talk to my boss. See, they install that Value Direct at the factory, there’s nothin’ we can do, but I’ll talk to my boss.

Well, they must know what they've got. 

You shut your child mouth