
Tiny, honest cars create such an instant emotional attachment for me, way more than any classic muscle car can.

I think there’s a value to their guaranteed price for a trade in though. When I bought my current car, I worked through the numbers to come up with a purchase price then began negotiations on my trade in. They came to a firm value of about $8k and claimed they absolutely couldn’t go any higher. Carmax had offered me

The owner managed to make a very classy, sophisticated car look like a drug dealer’s Chrysler 300. Congrats asshole, and CP.

Hahahahahaha...sorry, let me catch my breath. With a 12, nigh 13 year old Audi you are basically buying yourself the scary Victorian house at the end of the street that everyone marvels at but you know people get murdered and turned into wall art in there. I’m telling you from experience, do NOT go in there.

I think once the entire series is played out, we deserve a chronological edit, a la “Memento.”

So the episode basically confirmed that the brain ball that Ford had Bernard print up was of Ford, to be inserted into the Cradle. One thing I like about this season is that it doesn’t string its smaller mysteries along for more than a couple of episodes. I wasn’t one of the people who guessed this, but given that

My daily jammy: Seiko SARB065. JDM, mechanical 6bps, guilloche, sub-$400

Forgive me if I missed it but please give credit where credit is due, to the three-month investigation by Los Angeles Times reporters. This post sounds like “Jezebel reported” and then action resulted. I can’t imagine you meant it to.

If he waits for someone else to shoot someone, let’s say on 5th Ave, then shoots that person...

They tried but it can’t hear you on the highway over the cabin noise.

Did the CEO of BMW in 1974 have a cult of personality that worshipped everything he said?

288/308/328 prices are still kind of reasonable. I’ll never be able to justify getting one, but it’s a more realistic fantasy.

His name: Jesus.

“Fast driving track day human” in the video reporting in. This was lap #2. Brakes couldn’t stop the car on warm up lap. Chunks came off on the hot lap in the video. I pulled it in on the third. If you guys have any more questions, I’ll try my best to answer without commentating on neutrality.

This is an interesting piece of TV history, that well deserves to be added to the main article. Thank you. Unfortunately, there are no youTube clips of the fake Ferrari destruction, because they were all removed for copyright infringement. I can only confirm that at least the Miami Vice fake Ferrari Daytona didn’t

You are hereby informed, with my sincere regrets, that you appear to have been kinja’d.

Now playing

I bought a new Boxster S with PDK this month to replace my second Miata (third if you count the one my wife had when we married - this is the first time since 1992 we have not had a Miata in the family). Having driven an SLK with their flappy-paddle auto, I expected anything but a stick to be an abomination. But just

Regardless, I can’t to see what the new high-output Cayman and Boxster are like.

“Oh, you’re having difficulty adjusting to a new procedure after 50 years of doing it differently? Guess you’re just a stupid idiot then lol Darwin wins lmao moron”

Toyota (including Lexus) cars account for about half of the carbon monoxide/proximity key-related injuries and fatalities, according to the Times.