
FYI: What New Jim Delos was saying to Bernard at the end was, according to closed captioning, “They said there were two fathers, one above, one below. They lied. There was only ever the devil, and when you look up from the bottom, it was just his reflection laughing back down at you.”

I’m going to skip your racist bullshit and go to the second part of your comment. How did the porn star “impugn” the man who cheated on his wife (and mother of his, at time, new born son) and then tried to hide it by paying her hush money? I am referring to the guy who has finally admitted that he has been lying to

Try that in your Hellcat, b!tches!

Il Cinquecento nel suo habitat naturale. Bellissimo!

NP. I’m biased, I have the S6 version with the 5 pot turbo. They are old cars with old car problems(my window regulator just went, cruise stopped working (prolly corrosion in the switch (I hope), and hatch wiring has worn thru its insulation) but I love the utility and I still think they look good after all these years

I wonder why people hate on Audi so much, I’m a mechanic by trade and I repair cars and I can tell you that if I had to go drive across a desert and have the big 3 german car makers vehicles in front of me to choose.

Ok, seeing an article about a German company and a map of the US with this symbol everywhere across it?

grown men who wear team jerseys to games should lose all grown man privileges.

As funny as it is to think about, most conservatives are infinitely more concerned about labels than other demographics in my experience. Almost the entirety of what i would consider to be “toxic conservatives” adhere very strictly and proudly to stereotypes. They work very hard to fit into the mainstream ideal of men

Spend some time on, a forum for Uber drivers, and you’ll quickly see that many of these drivers are incapable of figuring out actual after expenses profits (if any), or are in real denial about what a waste of time driving for Uber is.

I had no idea Applebee’s even made suits.

For the record, whoever tailored that suit (probably did 45's too) is the real criminal.

The whole “gig” economy is an idea that needs to die in a fire. It benefits only a very few, hurts very many, and is really only useful as a game of who can prove they can suffer the most for as little cash as possible to prove how tough they are compared to people who grew up in the depression.

I can see what she means. My mother had dementia, which we were managing at home. Then she was suddenly diagnosed with a form of bone cancer that concentrates in the spine and ribs. It was very advanced, and it was obvious to the whole family that palliative care was the only option. The diagnosis came when ribs

Flip flops have only one purpose: sending your orthopedist’s kids to ivy league schools:/

My mother got angry with me a few years ago when I said that I had made my peace with the fact that my grandmother was dying. She was 83 and had cancer for the second time (different location). She had led a full life. She was this brilliant, funny vibrant woman and all she was doing at that point was being shuttled

Jesus Christ. That’s so fucked up. I was going to say it’s unbelievably fucked up, but I will always believe that HR will fuck over employees in service of the corporation’s bottom line.

You’ll find the GTI is way easier to put rear passengers in, too. I am over 6 foot and fit comfortably behind my own driving position.
