
Black and white just captures the moment so nicely.

Hopefully, her people are thinking outside of the box with this.

Michael’s cringe factor is at a 12 here. “Guzzled it down. You greedy little thing.” It still gives me douche chills just remembering it.

I shall *not* do the math… But at least I’m younger than you! :) I have clothes that are older than the OP… I’m going to stop thinking about this now…

So what you are saying is you showed his Jeep what true love really was and when you abandoned her, she committed suicide.

90s Hondas had the best gauge cluster fonts period.

This is the proper use of aggressiveness.

Sooooo many people miss that. Best movie ever. They got SCMODS

If you get pissed off by a comic strip, make a Family Circus dotted line path into traffic.

I get the Sunday edition of the NYT delivered for this very reason. I honestly look forward to my quiet Sunday mornings with coffee, eggs, toast, and the paper. I’m very exciting like that.

Also those people breed like locusts, if we ever come to an agreement, they’ll produce five more babies and name them things like “Mesmerize” and “Pyramid”

I always thought the LX looked better than the GT, and it’s nice that this one has a 5-speed, but the iffy performance mods, the white interior, and the asking price make this an easy CP.

A $3000 car x 7(Up) ≠ $21,000

CP for me, although I could buy it an reenact this great moment in music video history:

If you want to eat it you have to touch it.

Yeah..speaking of math...

Crank. And it puts that 650 down well.

People who park in backwards are generally good parkers. And depending on where you are it makes a ton of sense to back in as it is easier to back in then pull out. But people tales thing to the extreme. It makes no sense to pull in backwards at any store... unless it a loading type zone I guess.

He did, but he gave it back after a weekend. And if you can’t have fun hooning a car around an assault course perhaps you just don’t like any cars.

The RS6 Wagon’s 553 horsepower and 516 lb-ft of torque from a 4.0-liter turbo V8 was magically a suitable match against the latest Nissan GT-R—the one with a new gearbox and more power in the form of a 562 hp, 469 lb-ft of torque 3.8-liter turbo V6 heart.