
Take your star, sir.

I also live in San Diego and I really don’t notice a ton of them. And oddly, I would have to guess that half the time I see one, they have the top up.. FWIW, we live in the city, maybe there are more in the ‘burbs.

I think we’re pretty much in agreement, I’m just saying that it’s more common for companies to be pretty cautious when looking to can someone even in right to work states.  Unless they can pull a hard example of where someone violated a policy that is grounds for termination.

Depends. CA (where I live) is an at will state, too. But companies can and do get sued for wrongful termination.  Most places that I have worked have a very strict process they follow to collect evidence to make the case that someone needs to go.  Unless they call it a “layoff” and give a severance. 

Exactly. I got that lesson pretty early in life. I worked for this one company in the late 80's, I was still young and not jaded. HR was going around asking people to sign this document. The building was undergoing a remodel and she wanted us to sign it to “acknowledge that there was asbestos found in floor tiles that

OK, I think I heard of that.  But in a way, I can see why in that case.

Well, I mean I’m a middle aged man, so that might have something to do with it.. My YouTube consumption revolves around watching mostly “live” stream videos (pro shot) of bands that I like via AppleTV in my home theater set up. Unfortunately, if someone hacked my account, they would also see a string of dance workout

Oh, god.  No.  First I learned last week that videos exist of people unboxing shit.  Now I learn there’s such a thing as “reaction” videos to OTHER videos.  Is that really a thing?

Yea, no.

Funny, that.

As a person that has always had more than one dog at any given time for over 20 years - currently we have 4 - I can recommend that a 4 door obviously is best. And a hatch helps as well because say you go to the beach with the dogs, you can pop the hatch and dry them off in there. Also, you can put the seats down. And

This old joke is very timely in these times..

Now playing

Yes, it’s very good. FWIW, tonight again there will be a stream of a Dead & Company show on youtube. Setlist looks sick. They’ve been doing it every Saturday since lockdown.  Also, if you go to the Jambase webpage, they have a running list of bands doing free streams.

Yea, this was just for loan docs, though. Even the application..  When we bought our last house, the only time I had to sign anything was that which had to be notarized at the end..

When I bought my last car, I used one of the local credit unions for the loan.  They only would take a fax for signed docs..  I’m like “have you heard of docusign?”

I loved this episode and I love her show so much.

I don’t ride, but I can appreciate this. Beautiful bike.

Volt Bolt!

No, there’s a road to that destination for sure.