
And then go on to fuck shit up somewhere else.

He’s a CEO.  They never admit they are wrong.  The problem is that they get surrounded by yes men/women inside their world and they mistakenly believe that they are ALSO never wrong about anything else outside their world..

I got to drive an 850M convertible last year when BMW was doing their M Road Show or something like that. It was pretty damn impressive. Drove smaller than it was, IMO.  But Jesus, the price..

I used to be friends with this guy on FB.  He still has a mustache (we graduated in the mid 80's).


Yea, I mean that in general terms based on my experience in corporate America.  What kills me are the number of people that truly think this mutt is a successful businessman..

Yea, I used to have a regular search and after I missed a nice convertible 5 or 6 years ago that sold in like 5 minutes, I gave up.

It’s insane that a travel restriction was announced on live television, before advising airlines, airports, or other relevant TSA authorities — but that’s why our President has the reputation he earned. This isn’t like pretending to run a hotel, or selling steaks at The Sharper Image. When you screw this up, you don’t

Trump is every dipshit corporate “leader” taken to the extreme.  Anyone that’s been working for any appreciable length of time has worked for/with a guy like this.  Sometimes they fail up.  Sometimes they step on their dick too many times and it catches up with them.  

Man.  I haven’t been following these for a while I can’t believe this price.  Seems like just a few years ago 6500 would pull a super clean one with way less miles.  

That’s a bargain. Only problem with that guy is actually trying to get it imported to the USA.  If Audi gets the new ones (whichever they are) approved for sale here but only for order, that would be good.  

Yea, who knows. I mean, it sounds like the dealers are not even going to get them. They just have to be approved for USA sales.  If they are willing to test the RS6, maybe we’ll luck out and get the others back.  I’d Euro-deliver the S4 or RS4 as my own retirement gift to myself in 5 years..

That might be a good thing. Maybe they’ll bring the S6, S4 and RS4 Avants back to the USA, then.

I’m hoping that the shift goes back in that direction again - not for me, as I already work from home - but for other people that have to get stuck in an office and get stuck in traffic.

Heh. Link points to this now -

The most clear and succinct correct take.

I mean, anyone that can truly afford 130 large for a car is likely not that worried about it. But I can also guarantee that the bulk of them are leased and returned for a new one, then sold as a CPO vehicle. Then when the CPO warranty runs out, whomever bought it will likely keep it till it they can’t afford the

Wouldn’t surprise me at all.  These people are insane.

The best part about this comment is that I know you’re 100 percent serious, but you sound like a complete lunatic.  

I was going to say.. Several years ago I got an Italian made Bianchi ChroMo frame bike with a full Campy group set off Craigslist for not too much more than what you paid for this. Granted, the bike was literally useless to him as the size was all wrong. He’d bought it used as well.