Santiago of Escuderia Boricua

So that’s what was happening! Yesterday I saw guys walk up to the Lordstown Endurance and start measuring its windshield wipers. They seemed content.

Honestly that’s one of my favorite things to watch. Clipboards in hand, while they look closely at the weirdest parts and places. 

This! Nothing quite like seeing an engineer getting pulled away from an Audi’s subframe components by his ankles :D

Click bait” is a sensationalized or exaggerated headline meant to increase the chances of someone reading an online article. Sadly, there was nothing sensational about this headline, which talks about interstate travel on a transportation blog site. All you did was expose what side of the issue you’re on. Now off you

fuck you, leave

Polaris is recalling tens of thousands of vehicles because their steering wheels can separate while driving.

It’s not even the “up to” that’s the killer here. It’s the other shit the trucking companies pull. That theoretical faerietale amount of $250,000 is gross wages. By the time you pay for your own fuel, maintenance, certifications, and inspection on a truck you’re paying a lease on to the company that employs you, your

I can’t believe I’m the first one to put this here:

Nope. This is a display-ready prototype, not a mule. If you’re showing a prototype of a seriously expensive bit of kit to the public, presumably it’s hand-made. It should be perfect. Imperfections on test-bed cars? Sure.

Huh! You know, I’ve never actually noticed that some of the Fiestas are two door. Now that you mention it, I do remember in a recent video somebody said their car was in on a Show-And-Display permit with a 7500 mile per year max or something

Fantastic irony in that Ever Forward is no longer able to move Ever Forward

NFTs in no way make it possible to transfer items between games. If it was possible with NFTs, it would be possible with QR codes as well. Just like a QR code, NFTs have very limited space for storage, so they usually can’t contain the object people associate them with. They are usually just storing a link to where

Of course elon doesn’t give a shit about racism in the workplace, his family made their fortune off Apartheid era blood diamonds. This is a feature, not a bug

I think a puncture is what ruined it for Ogier in the penultimate stage. I believe that even without the penalty, Loeb would have just won it by a half second. The race was won by 10.5 seconds and 10 of that was the penalty for Ogier jumping a start.

The WRC+ service has daily highlight shows that are 30 minutes long. Thursday is usually only one stage so that gets lumped into the Friday highlight show for a total of three shows. They give stage and overall classifications after every stage during the highlight shows.

Seems fine

The majority of the terribleness absolutely comes from the top. Slideshows do count for multiple page views, so writers are forced kicking and screaming to make them or get the fuck out. And the good writers didn’t drive themselves away or hire their replacements. The level of talent this family of websites has burned

Which party incited it’s followers to storm congress in an attempt to disrupt the certification of an election?

The thing many people don’t realize about UK drivers is that they drive on both the left and right sides of the road. Most of the time at the same time.