Santiago of Escuderia Boricua

Pedestrian fatalities have increased a staggering 53 percent in the last decade, so are people 53% drunker? No?

People live in cities. They might actually want to walk or bike around the cities in which they live, work, and pay taxes. We don’t allow people to land planes or helicopters in crowded city centers - we have specific places for that. But somehow, all cities and suburbs are designed in such a way that the default use

Maybe it’s time to reevaluate whether or not you want him as a fiance? It’s drastic, I know, but it sounds like he’s fallen down the QAnon hole (with the Biden is a pedophile thing) and I’m not sure that’s the kind of person you would want in your life. This isn’t something that I’m saying to you lightly, but I follow

Always amuses me how right wingers say how they can’t stand ANTIFA. My response? My Grandfathers who went off to fight in WW2 were also Anti-fascist. So automatically it means they are pro-fascit

Well if they choose the right colors then yes, a colorblind person should be able to determine this is a truck. Which is why choosing colors carefully is important. Being able to distinguish the little details like taillights help people determine this is a pickup truck.

UI designer here: Red on that dark blue wouldn’t pass AAA accessibility standards. Not enough contrast in general and other issues with red-green color blindness come to mind.

There are more unibody trucks with no break between cab and bed than their are trucks will all-amber taillights. 

Well maybe if the “good” cops had worked to make sure the bad cops were actually punished and fired, instead of closing ranks to protect them, I’d actually believe they were “good.”

Would help you and the “burn them all” types in the replies to actually read those articles and then what is quoted instead of the headlines. Sales were very bad at the beginning of the pandemic. In today’s article: “Every member of the gauge is up since the start of July.”

I’ve never heard anyone say it with a hard G. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I’m not saying you’re right.

Oh staaap! Its only a mile!

Well, for starters, I would turn around and find another way. It’s not like you’re just driving along, minding your own business, when a crowd of protesters magically appears out of nowhere and starts pounding on your windows. 

Its weird that individuals arent allowed to “walk away” from their commitments to the Federal government by including Federal Student loans in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, even if “market factors change” and leave them unable to procure a job that will allow them to pay for food, housing and their student loan payments,

Oh fuck off, you absolutely can criticize the ventilator production mess. It was too little, too late, with the decision coming the first week of April to scramble and produce them when the process should’ve been started in January, seeing as China was already short on supplies.

“you’re going to end up with some combination of cheese, meat, vegetables, and beans on, in, or under tortilla”

Thank you for adding absolutely nothing to the conversation, all in the name of pointless concern trolling. 

licking the boots of a billionaire won’t make you rich. 

These pics are amazing! Where did you find them? Are you involved with the production?

While this is true, my sympathy for a person who can spend $10,000 to send 14 people to a Caribbean island is substantially less than for somebody with twins getting evicted from their apartment.