Santiago of Escuderia Boricua

Here’s the full inspection in Michigan:

Literally do nothing.

As a person who used to cover a lot of this stuff: YES!!!

Sir, this is an Arby’s

Because if you miss a day of work, you probably don’t have a job anymore. 

His stage name wasn’t Eddie Creative Commons...

I drove manuals in hours long traffic on the 405 in LA. It’s shitty, but it’s shitty in anything. It wasn’t enough to make me want to quit the clutch.

Stern gave me good advice 20 years ago when I wanted to upgrade my halogen headlights to HID and he knew what he was talking about then. Here I am now with 25 years experience engineering, 20 of it in the automotive biz and 5 in the automotive headlight biz and he’s still right.

I first encountered Daniel Stern online in the early-mid 1990s on usenet in either or or one of the more specialized groups in the hierarchy. This was before the world wide web reached any sort of significant usage level. At that time if memory serves me correctly he was

“How about people stop breaking the freaking law”

The US government has actually been really shitty at defeating enemy countries in a war outside of one or two wars in its entire history.

“She was asking for it, look at the way she was dressed.” - You, probably.

I think my bank has a grace period!

But the CR-V adds durability and storage

Welcome back Mr Foley!

If you are in a car and deliberately driving into a protest, you are the problem.

The driver and passenger, of course, claimed that they were scared of the protesters, which seems to be a common refrain in these increasingly common attacks

I’ve periodically volunteered with a Pride Day festival held in my city (I’m in the dirty dirt South) typically assisting with at risk LGBT youth. Let me tell you; the cars that participate in Pride parades are often much better than most cruise ins, C&Cs, and any cliques.

Nah, because a cop can stop-and-frisk you, charge you with drug offenses, etc...all the DOT can do is issue parking citations and moving violations.

My black coworker and I discuss this all the time. People in our organization are only comfortable working with people who look like them. That’s a nationwide, if not worldwide, phenomenon. A couple of weeks ago on the obligatory “take the pulse of the one black person in our group” call one of my bosses asked me what