Cabbage Patch Mather

What really bothers me is the maligning of Julie Sweatnick, the idea that because she loves gangbangs, she couldn’t have been gang raped.

I’m not sure if it’s “simple math,” unless by “simple math” you mean a calculation that doing the right thing is the best way to appeal to your constituency. 

I disagree, and I know many of my fellow Pragmatic Centrist commenters here will share my view. You see, we NEED to keep every democrat in office that we can. Even if—in order to maintain their seat—said Democrat must vote against the interests of Radical Progressive ideology such as an ‘aversion to putting rapists

“You cannot fight for the poor while taking money from the super-rich.”

I like Bari Weiss. I also like Barry Weiss his fellow travelers, like Sam Harris, John Mcworter, Jonathan Haidt, Eric and Brett Weinstein, Steven Pinker, Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Christina Hoff Sommers, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Sarah Haider.

Or... it offers political discourse to a readership that doesn’t assume at the outset that their own genuinely held ideals are supreme and unassailable.  One of the two.

The world has enough of these already.

Another day, another media horror: the New York Times’ worst columnist, Bari Weiss, announced on Wednesday that she’s got a book deal.

Is she really the worst?  The competition is stiff.  I don’t read her, but I have trouble believing she’s worse than David Brooks.

Trump does have a point.  Ford’s testimony is unsubstantiated and unprovable, and shouldn’t by itself be able to determine this confirmation.  I’m more concerned with Kavanaugh’s reaction, which was lacking.

Let’s be clear on something: it isn’t participation in a bar fight that will deprive (because we all know that’s the word he’d use) Kavanaugh of confirmation.

I was in a bar fight—in London—in 2003. It’s the only bar fight I’ve ever been in, and it was largely a function of jumping in on behalf of a friend who was

I’m really hoping Flake runs against Trump.  Flake is the type of sane republican we need.

I don’t agree with Jeff Flake’s politics at all, but I do appreciate his honesty in this matter.
I think this is another case for term limits for Congress. I don’t know what those are (3 terms for Senators? 18 years seems like a good length to serve).

Perhaps more people would be willing to get things done or at least

Linda Sarsour is a national treasure!!!

What is important is that we allow the FBI to do their job. It really is he said she said at this point and some good investigators can get to the root of the matter.

Unfortunately, you are correct.

She was the candidate I was hoping would run in 2016. That said I’m not sure I’m willing to risk another 4 years of Trump on the idea America has gotten less sexist by 2020.

Tough to read the political landscape. I like her a lot more than Hillary, but she’s definitely got a tendency to chastise and condescend - not likeable traits. After watching the far more qualified candidate lose, at least in part, because she’s a woman, she might be fighting an uphill battle.

> caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away

Wait a minute, i didnt know this part.  She chose to touch him, happened to hit his penis by mistake, and its treated like he touched her with his penis? Lol.   Putting aside him putting his dick near a girl, this part is some bull-shit.