Cabbage Patch Mather

“...Become rich/powerful”, hell, Ingram and the rest of the puppets on Faux News are still nothing more than modern court jesters and performing strictly according to their patrons’ desires in exchange for handouts. True wealth comes from empowering others, and true power means calling abusers of power out for their

Yeah, they really gotteem.

I’m shocked, I guess, even for Fox News, one of their female ...personalities? would say ‘paid protesters’. Did she not hear the woman’s voice, and what & how she had to say it?
I’d say something about selling your soul to the devil, but that presupposes one has a soul to barter with. ugh!

I don’t remember asking you a goddamn thing!

Cimic book nerd, now.

Flake is currently why there’s an FBI investigation at all. ...I’ll take it, and hope for the best.

OK, so everybody who’s pissed off about this should definitely not vote for Tom Perez.  But for chrissake, don’t be a dope and not vote Democratic.  Shit’s too serious for your Jill Stein purity games.  Better still, get involved in party politics and elect someone better as DNC chairman.  Remember, you’re voting for

Brett will get in, the republicans will stay the majority, all the liberals can piss and moan all they want about how shitty white people are and blah blah blah. At the end of the day Liberals will always be the ones with tears in their eyes because their insane ideology doesn’t fly with main stream Americans.

Uhm... he just opened an FBI investigation into Brett.  So much for the tds narrative.

Democrats stood by the accused rapist Bill Clinton, at least Perez isn’t being a hypocrite and saying he is above supporting an alleged sexual predator. 

Counterpoint: any Democrat in a swing state that Trump won and is up for election this November. Look at Doug Jones. If he were up for election, you know he has to vote for Kavanaugh if he isn’t going to do it already. He won because his opponent was a pedo and the black women in his state were the swing vote that put

The general election is, what, six weeks away? Of fucking COURSE Perez and the DNC are still going to back a Democrat that does something bone-headed like vote in favor of Kavanaugh. Do you expect them to back a Libertarian or a Republican instead?

Huge mischaracterization of what he actually said.  This site is garbage.

All of Flake’s maneuvers, up to and including announcing his retirement from the Senate, are part of his long game to be a viable candidate for the nomination in 2020. The anti-Trump Republican challenger who is here to gobble up the votes from the women, moderates, assorted outliers, or anyone experiencing voters

What is so controversial about this? The whole point of the DNC is to get Democrats (re-)elected. As long as Red States exist, you’ll have Democrats that are forced to listen to those constituencies. If you start telling Red-state Democrats that you won’t support them over purity politics, you’re telling Red State

The belief that this is a mere talking point or partisan attempt to delay is willful tribal unwillingness to deal with reality. 

“I was sexually assaulted and nobody believed me,” Gallagher told Flake, who could only look away in utter shame, unable to meet her eyes. “I didn’t tell anyone, and you’re telling all women that they don’t matter.”

He should try being married, I haven’t gotten a word in for twenty years.