Cabbage Patch Mather

The problem, according to male model Scott Brown anyway, is that she checked off “Native American” on various job applications including her cozy gig at Harvard.  She’s a political liability now and the sooner we forget about her the better.  She absolutely cannot run in 2020.  It’s Beto time.

So who is the second party after the Democrats? Because a party unchallenged is not a good thing.

I’m still pushing for texas to secede. 

This man is living “I know you are but what am I?” projection, every single day.

There’s less than 24 hours until the midterm elections, folks. And I bet things are only gonna get worse before then.

He would not be one of my top choices, but he would absolutely crush Trump. He's got the charm to call aggressively call bullshit without coming across like an asshole, and the likeability that makes it hard to call him an elitist. 

Sweet. Her parents are longtime Hamas supporters and their daughter just got elected as a member of the American Hamas. Dreams do come true!

“Keith Ellison, who’s vice chair of the DNC, met with Louis Farrakhan as recently as 2016,” she continued—mark your bingo cards if you have “Farrakhan!”—before going on to quote some of the controversial Nation of Islam leader’s more infamous anti-Semitic quotes.

You mention Maya Little was on trial in front of the honor court. You mention that she protested Silent Sam. You mentioned Frank Pray’s probably bias based on his support of Silent Sam. What you did not mention in this article is what specifically Maya Little’s trial was about. I’m sure I’d support whatever it is she

The average white American has around 1% Native American/African ancestry. Liz Warren has about as much POC ancestry as the average white American.

Avenatti brought us Kavanaugh. If the sole focus has been on Kavanaugh’s reaction to Dr. Ford’s accusations, things may have gone a little bit differently.

As much as I think conspiracy theorists are nutty, shit like this and his retracting Kavanaugh witnesses that screwed Dr. Ford’s credibility gives me pause that Avanetti might be a GOP operative.

For people smarter than me, if it’s obviously too late to do something about climate change now, when WAS the time to do something about it? I want to say that a Gore presidency after the 2000 election would have given us a shred of hope (remember when the guy whose signature issue was environmental policy was the

Given the shift from coal to natural gas, and the accompanying reduction in CO2 emissions, it seems like capitalism is actually doing a fair job of fighting climate change.

So, I’m thinking that Kavanaugh will probably be a pretty good judge, but only time will tell. Dr. Ford sure gave good testimony. No doubt something happened to her, but Kavanaugh likely wasn’t involved,

Do you listen to those two, hamstring Hal?

Well, a lot of these harpies are learning that crying and screaming like children will not get them what they want in modern American society.

Well, we now know that a certain percentage of the “survivors” aren’t telling the truth. Even if that’s 20%, that is way too high.

As Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson Have pointed out, the Democrats have their work cut out for them. But first, they need to get rid of the extreme left identity politics.
