Cabbage Patch Mather

Well, I’m thinking that Trump is thinking to himself “Oh, if I can get Kavanagh in there, he’ll vote for my wall. “

Well, unless she’s telling the truth that she knows it, but there’s a bit of a mindfuck.

The fix is in. Mark zero, Donnie.

I believe both of them, Dr. Ford and Kavanaugh. They’re both good people who are telling the truth as they know it.

That was some pretty moving testimony on his part. I don’t know whether he should be confirmed or not, but there’s definitely more credibility there than I thought.

It figures. Republicans cannot figure out the clear difference between a gang rape and a “ladies choice” gangbang.

Well her story doesn’t really make sense, so of course the first reactions of many people is going to be to try and get more info before doing anything.

They’re scared they’re going to miss their chance before the midterms if they about face now.

*will never believe until the next accuser of a liberal figure

Fuck Curt Schilling with his own bloody sock. I thought you were the greatest pitcher of all time. Little did I know how much of a twat your were.

Tell that to UVA fraternities and Duke Lacrosse teams.

Maybe Robby Soave is playing it safe since last time he hinted at the possibility that the truth wasn’t as bad as the media was making it out to be Anna Merlan chewed his head off...

I continue to be shocked Hugh Hewitt is a republican. He looks like a middle school art teacher from the pacific northwest who drives to work in an old 1980s volvo diesel wagon converted to run on deep fry oil with a knitted animal plush from his wife on the dash, who still listens to the grateful dead and all the

They’re shitting their pants that they won’t be able to put someone on the SC that will force women to have babies they don’t want.

The famous question about “Do i let 9 innocent people go to jail to convict one guilty one or let 9 guilty people go free if it lets free one guilty one” is the gold-standard metric to determine if you believe in a free society or an authoritarian, fascist one. The patriarchal west, at least since the enlightenment,

GOP: Stop getting raped, stupid women. If you’d stay away from us like Pence asks, then you wouldn't be in this situation to begin with. And stop wearing those provocative clothes that make me want to rape you. You're just asking for it.

It feels an awful lot like the Pubs are trying to shove their dick on all of our faces...

Eight accusers. Are they all lying?

The result of which we know the next Supreme Court Justice will be a rapist.

The reality of the Kavanaugh-Ford hearing: