Cabbage Patch Mather

I guess any woman can acuse any man of sexual abuse and were expected to give her the benefit of the doubt even if it’s painfully obvious she’s full of complete shit. In this case, at the last minute, decades later—and we are supposed to not call them out on their shameful lies. Due process is still a thing last time

Eh, we need to know all the details. They may involve gang rapes, or they could be simple gang bangs. Gang rapes are brutal assaults that violate a woman’s personal space and integrity. Gangbangs, on the other hand, are loving and consensual acts often involving multiple men and one woman, who is empowered  to

One thing I’d love to see happen (am crossing my fingers) is for a police investigation to begin into the allegations. It is readily apparent that Kavanaugh did all these things pretty much “in the open,” meaning there are numerous witnesses (many who do not want to corroborate bc of their own complicity), which a

Fake news. According to Ed Whelan, it was actually Leif Garrett.

One problem is that the four witnesses, including Blasey Ford’s longtime friend Leland Kaiser, all deny ever attending a party like this with Kavanaugh. Coupled with the fact that ford doesn’t even remember where the attack took place, nor the date, this does complicate matters.

The sad part is that it’s possible this woman escaped a rape in 1982 only to get gangbanged by the Senate in 2018.  

Good!  I believe she has a right to be heard.

Yes, let’s toss due process norms out the window.

Unless she's lying

Rafi consistently misinterprets the things he watches. He then writes about it. This is routinely pointed out to him in the comments. I think it’s a talent issue. 

“You’d get up and you’d argue like the devil with them. Then you’d go down and have lunch or dinner together. The political system worked. We were divided on issues, but the political system worked.”


How dare he...make an accurate analogy.

Using a cartoonishly exaggerated rape scene from a 46-year-old action movie to make a point about the very real emotional toll sexual assault can take on women—and men—isn’t exactly a winning strategy here.

I can’t wait to see Biden not running for President in 2020

He’s still our best shot in 2020.  Howard Schultz and Mike Bloomberg are in a battle for 2a and 2b. 

I hate being “that guy”, but “baited breath?” Come the fuck on. That’s 7th grade shit.

“Why are you calling the FBI ma’am?”

Why would the FBI look into anything that teenagers do?

I love watching Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Milo Yiannopoulos and Joe Rogan absolutely destroy SJW’s. Watching intelligent people just completely shut down brainwashed morons in debates/conversations is extremely satisfying. I sit in the middle of the political spectrum and I lean left and right on