Cabbage Patch Mather

She should really allow written questions only. If it’s good enough for Trump to give Mueller, it should be good enough for her.

Seems like a bad idea to me, hopefully she is just going to read a prepared statement and not take any questions.

“...Would I use that word in public? No. This is Twitter.”

Now playing

Doesn’t this guy know “The Chris Rock Defense” was defeated way back in March of 2005?!?

To be fair, SPLC is a bullshit organization.

No, because the left has (unfortunately) taken the courts for granted for far too long. The more centrist voters have, too. I remember far too many races, like Colorado’s Senate race in 2014, where the Democratic candidate pointed out that their opponent was an anti-abortion ideologue... and the response was something

You notice how one of the go-to explanations for using the n-word is they were angry and it ‘just came out’. I remember that from the subway manager last month. This guy? Oh, he was angry so he thought “Let me type this up”.

Chris Rock must fucking HATE how many racist white dudes default to using his jokes to excuse their racism. 

I am devising an Amendment Proposal of what I think would reform issues with stacking the court: (please some one steal it and make it into something.) I think there is a lot of room for improvement. Especially by some one who actually knows anything about law.

Black opponent, hence everything is racist.  Be less obvious.

Well, it does appear that they were horsing around, if there’s any merit to this thing

A throwaway joke proves rape now?

There needs to be a Federal investigation of that police department immediately.

Yes, perhaps because he literally doesn’t think he’s ever met this woman. You don’t think you’ve done something if you genuinely don’t remember ever having done it.

Very possible they’re both telling the truth. Perhaps she’s telling her story the way she remembers it, and he’s denying it because he literally doesn’t remember that night and doesn’t consider himself a rapist.

If I took a drink every time Splinter managed to shoehorn Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez into a story, I would have died of cirrhosis by now.

White person living in a predominately white neighborhood here. While racists need no extra reason to be racist, I can tell you that the local police are always big on, “If something seems suspicious, call us!” And, of course, the other side of that coin is, “If your gut tells you something’s wrong, something’s wrong.”

You may belong where you choose to go, but you can’t avoid questions when you are a stranger to the neighborhood.  That’s the same the world over.  I’m sure it’s true if I go wandering about your home as well.

“I belong where I choose to go”.  That’s just, like, the best quote ever.