Cabbage Patch Mather

Yeah, if Jezebel and Splinter disappear, I don’t know where I’ll go to brush up on my pop-cultural intelligence.

Univision was acquired through a leveraged buyout, so the current owners have a ton of debt they’re having a rough time paying. My guess is that most of those who are being axed aren’t being told until literally the moment they’re let go. We’ll probably learn more about the fate of Jezebel, Splinter, etc within the

Some Starbucks in certain cities on the East Coast have restroom locks with codes- especially in areas with lots of homeless.

When there’s a tangled wreck on the highway that slows traffic, there are those motorists who drive by and hope no one was hurt. And, then there are also those who secretly hope to see mangled bodies sprawled outside the shattered windows.

That’s practically the dictionary definition of projection.

ISIS is basically done in Syria and Iraq. This is a completely separate issue.

I live in LA- we have no population density. Singapore? Hong Kong? Tokyo? That’s population density.

Most people create narratives about themselves that allow them to guiltlessly justify their decisions. And, these narratives aren’t all false.

Let’s keep in mind one thing about politicians, whether Democrat or Republican.

That’s right. So, the solution for a place like Austin would be to replicate the Domain- sprinkled with high rises- in areas without density. You create smaller units, and you create enough units that eventually the prices come down.

More often than not, it’s local city governments and neighborhood groups. The developers I’ve met want to get housing up as fast as possible.

Right. You can’t afford to live there because most city governments take forever to approve new buildings. The supply doesn’t come close to keeping pace with the demand.

I was in Austin several weeks ago and visited a few work/live areas. One was the Domain, and the other was a place on, I think, Lamar, near the Highland Mall/community college area.

I think most urban millennials would love to own a sleek condo in a high rise accessible by rail to an urban core. Rural millennials can still buy a house for under $200,000- in many cases under $100,000.


You hit it on the head. It’s not that most Democrats are secretly wide eyed radicals who become cowardly sellouts in order to win races. They ARE liberal centrists, as are many of their constituents.

Nope- shouldn’t extend that deep into the private sphere.

That they caught these four is why I’ve never had a problem with surveillance cameras.

Columbus discovered a trade route. He was a cruel bastard who opened the gates for the extreme sufferings of untold millions of people for hundreds of years, but he did discover a trade route that changed the geographical center of global power and the course of history. For the better, or worse? History will let us

One, among many reasons, is that the Holocaust took place within a modern, “cosmopolitan,” “enlightened” society that resembled our own in many ways.