Cabbage Patch Mather

Hey, I’m a free speech absolutist- you want to bring up native American genocide in an article about Nazi Germany, or Roman slavery in an article about Slavery in the US South, go right ahead.


Well, I’m discussing sex within the bounds of transactions between consenting adults. As I’ve stated, sex can mean a lot more, particularly when it comes to non consent. Slapping someone on the back is not the same as grabbing someone’s genitals- obviously.  

Americans have this strange cognitive dissonance in both permitting graphic violence and sex (and sexual violence) in our media, and yet being strangely puritanical in other ways.

Agree 100% that prostitution should be legalized, regulated, and taxed just like any other therapeutic business.

Many commenters on Splinter and other sites bring up Nazi Germany and Hitler when talking about modern politics.

You can. Cronos Group: CRON, listed on the NASDAQ two weeks ago. They’re a pure play Canadian weed company that has just partnered with Medmen.

Believe it or not, many companies keep diaper margins about as low as possible, sometimes literally a penny above cost, in order to drive more traffic to their stores for other babycare products.

I’d go further and say that a “fixed” Obamacare would be pretty similar to the type of single payer they have in Switzerland. And, the Swiss are generally pretty happy with their healthcare.

Now playing

“We were raised on the old system, taught this is how things are done and this is what you will get if you do it. We did it and then the generations that taught us those things, fucked everything up so bad everything they taught us became useless before we got a chance to use it. So we’re left floating, in arrested

That’s exactly what the boomers used to say about the generations that came before them.

Wait, what? There are three hundred investigators working on this case. This has been literally the top story in Austin for weeks.

I honestly don’t know. There’s been so much analysis and conjecture about the current composition of both the Republican and Democratic core bases. And, frankly, I’m not sure any of it is all that accurate. We’ll wait and see.

The people who would vote for Flake are at least some of those who voted for Kasich, Rubio, Jeb, and Cruz in the 2016 primaries- basically, anyone who didn’t initially vote for Trump.

“Market incentives,” “free markets” and “capitalism” do not exclude progressive income, national healthcare, or otherwise effective social policy.

No Democrat is being fooled by Flake- he’s the kind of traditional conservative we’ve grown used to since the 1960's. None of his policies are particularly new or revolutionary.

Nothing old-fashioned about it- it’s horrible behavior that undermines everything an “enlightened” democracy should be about.

This guy sounds like a shit- drop him. Forget about the money; it’s not worth the negativity he’s putting you through.

This is what you say:

Hey, I have no problem with rednecks. Thank you for contributing.