Cabbage Patch Mather

Where the hell do they find these guys? Jesus, it’s really not all that difficult to not beat your wife.

Interesting point- just read an article in the WSJ this morning on that exact issue. In fact, it talked about how businesses themselves are pushing for expanded childcare.

A good point. Because, that example really shouldn’t be the exception. Electricians and EMTs both do phenomenal work, but the bar to becoming either one isn’t exactly insurmountable if you work hard and wait to have children, one would think.

Yeah, the emphasis, in my opinion, should trying to do what we can as a society to give those who are at the bottom as much opportunity to succeed as possible. If that includes raising the top marginal rates in order to provide a strong and efficient national healthcare system that takes some of the stress off the

No, that’s per household (usually husband and wife). If each make 50K, that’s 100K.

It’s from the Department of Labor, I believe. And, it’s not individuals, but households (mostly couples). For example, a husband and wife are each grossing 50K? Bingo, household wealth in the top 30%. They also rent out an Airbnb space in their basement? Another 11,000. Etc.

Guys in their Moms’ basements writing racist alt right screeds have beating hearts and plenty of passion. That doesn’t make them right.

Okay, so what exactly is the “middle class”? Does the carpenter in Spokane who runs his own business selling reclaimed wood handmade tables online and makes, say, 70K a year deserve the guillotine?

Okay, that’s what I thought you’d say.

Point taken.

So, just to clarify. The electrician in Bend, Oregon with a wife who’s an EMT, who own a modular home and are building a small cabin in the mountains, with an annual income of, say $118,000.. they deserve to “get it” hard?

Well, that’s why I’m a free speech absolutist- you obviously have the right to decide your own limits for this sort of thing.

Yes, I do read history. I just wanted to hear it from the radical himself.

Well, then if they are rich, there are simply too many armed people with vested interests in the system for there to be a revolution.

I’m pretty much a free speech absolutist, so you should say whatever you want.

Okay, but $100,000 for a family in most counties in the country isn’t bad. In fact, $60,000 in many parts of the country is enough to live quite well.

No, they’re obviously not rich. But, if they have children, they’re comfortable, and they’re pretty happy with their lives, they won’t be taking part in a revolution which will leave them worse off, or dead.

That’s what I suspected. For you guys who suggest “violent revolution,” it’s not really about oligarchs, or lobbying/political power in the hands of the .0001%, is it? Rather, it’s about punishing anyone who’s eking out a better life than you.

How are you defining rich here? Meaning, obviously, the top 1,000 wealthiest families in the US- the Koch brothers, Gates, Bezos, etc etc- have a disproportionate percentage of the wealth, and power.

You hit the nail on the head. No one who uses the n-word like that in a comment section gives a rat’s ass about the feelings of Black people.