Yeah man, this sounds great to me. Just pick it up, flush it down, Scrubbing Bubbles and done. I don’t have a dog, but I bet you my friends that do would be all about this
Yeah man, this sounds great to me. Just pick it up, flush it down, Scrubbing Bubbles and done. I don’t have a dog, but I bet you my friends that do would be all about this
Dude, Raspberry Jam runs circles around Strawberry, glad to hear from another... Razzer? Razzman? Razbaterian? I mean the only time S should be exchanged for a Z? Right here.
Get a Smart Car, live happily, repeat.
With Captain Marvel taking place in the 90's, going to be a bit hard for it to match up chronologically.
To your knowledge
To your knowledge
Whoa, that’s an image I haven’t seen in almost 30 years.
Man, fermented shrimp paste. That’s what I needed, I’m now ready for lunch.
You can still find bottles or Yamazaki 12 at good liquor stores. I mean it goes for like $140 a bottle, but I see it on a pretty regular basis.
Thanks Kate! I did see that and checked in more on the the transaction level sales analysis from Nielsen, I’m very curious as to what bars/restaurants are involved, etc. I’m sure I could get that data from Nielsen for $$$ but after working in the Natural Foods industry in the past, we found it much easier to get data…
It’s really weird that the article doesn’t mention where the data comes from. I’ve been drinking in NYC for the better part of 20 years (not that long, but not that short either) and outside of a Mexican place, I’m really struggling to recall anyone ordering a Margarita. I also really rarely see someone sipping on a…
I always thought he was great in The Devil’s Advocate, but that’s one my all time good bad movies, so I’m not impartial. Oh, and Speed! Speed was great, and he was great!
He looked really good last night, you’ve also got to remember the last time before this season he played organized ball (say what you want about the Knicks, they are still somewhat of an NBA team) was in High School.
It’s a little thing but I enjoy that the classic Prosecco Gummies are not fizzy. Not that I have tried them, but Prosecco, fizzy, seems classic to me.
Actually, Cleveland was tied with Denver that season and each had a 22.5% chance at LeBron. I guess I just missed one with Anthony Bennett, but to my credit, so did Cleveland.
And maybe the magic Cleveland Draft Magic which has netted them 3 #1 overall picks since ‘03, despite them never having the sole worst record in the league, will have rubbed off on LeBron, they get the #1 and trade it for Anthony Davis.
No Fireball? Man, I knew you were a cheap date.
In High School we had a senior elective “Sports Physics”, I was totally interested, I was gonna learn about exit velocity and launch angles in 2001 and revolutionize how we look at baseball players and productivity.
Yep, 100% those machines are reading everything and figuring out your next flavor combination. My work cafeteria recently replaced all of our cans and bottles with these things and man I hate them. The novelty of different flavors wears off after you realize they all kind of suck and it just tastes like crappy…