Zoe is a Thug

Now, now. Given that he was a black-out drunk, it’s possible he’s telling the truth.

Fair enough, but just using her maiden and last name is calculated. Professor can be used as well.

How long before Kavanaugh says that Judge was the rapey one and he was just the innocent bystander?

Orange never was a terribly popular color in the Republic of Ireland, anyway.

I’ve been watching CBS News since forever. I started watching with my parents when Douglas Edwards was the anchor! Old habits die hard, and it leads right into Jeopardy, which I will not miss. I won’t watch their news anymore, and I fired off a strongly-worded letter that will make no difference to them, but was

The only way to get Samantha Markle and her ilk to shut the fuck up is for everyone to stop paying attention to them.

Interesting theory. It makes sense in a way but I find it hard to believe that Julie Chen herself is that much of a draw. I think there’s probably some truth to what you’re saying but I also doubt that they actually 100% want him out of there. I think it’s more likely that they’re trying to have it both ways, and fuck

Unfortunately their target audience consists of the victim-blamiest, head-in-the-sandiest generation of all.

Real prison reform would ideally encompass integrated education, therapy, and employment programs aimed at helping the offender reintegrate into civilian life upon release.

Ok, so you're not a whore, but you're still a spy. Carry on! 

I know I’ll be in the greys forever, but I just had to post a picture of my super awesome dog who turned two this week. And yes I put him in a bow tie. I sure as shit did. 

im annoyed they stole that sign

Part of me wanted something Shakespearean like Pence or ::gasp:: Ivanka, but with this administration, the dumbest explanation is generally the correct one. And the dumbest thing I could think of was that some B-list staffer got called out at a cocktail party for enabling this ongoing nightmare, and felt the need to

I’m an Australian but my cousin’s an Austrian, so between the two of us, I’m sure we can get to the bottom of this. I’ll get back to you all as soon as we know something.

Not really. The height difference would make it more convenient for him to put his arm around her shoulders. But either way, an oops might have happened, but as you say he didn’t move his hand. In fact he goes in for another grope after she’s tried to pull away.

As long as it gets under Trump’s skin... who gives a shit?

i dont know what i was trying to say here

First, fuck off.

Hedberg then veered into a bizarre anecdote about a couple abducted from a restaurant while awaiting a table.”

Florida governor is a huge seat. It is worth fighting for. Gillum won’t win unless people fight and put in the manhours phonebanking and canvasing.