Zoe is a Thug

The restoration of Buckingham Palace is for the benefit of the UK. It’s the Queen’s official residence on paper only. If it were up to her she would never stay another night there. Prince Philip has officially moved out. It’s a symbol of British power and stability. The Monarchy brings far for money to the UK than it

Philip was out carriage-driving the other week.

I love her and she can have as many gold pianos as wants.

It’s crap like this that makes one pray that a Hell does exist.

Yeaaahh I'm gonna go with "Fuck that guy" for $400, Alex.

Unless the dangers posed by his rotting corpse outweigh the dangers of yet more outsiders coming to the island to retrieve his body, I say he stays there. These people have been disturbed enough.

The fact that he went to Oral Roberts university finally explains his critical thinking skills and why he thought it was a good idea to go to murder missonary island.

That’s not the point.  The real point is to shame the performer.  Why? Because people are shitty.

I’m no fan of Rita Ora, but this is dumb. People have lip-synced forever in parades and unless you live in a cave, you should know this.

We have Thanksgiving in the UK, usually not long after Boxing Day, when having seen the last of the relatives off in a taxi people all over the country stand on freezing doorsteps and sigh “Thank bloody God that’s over with for another year.”

I once worked with a group of girls who had never heard of the Kent State Massacre. Fair enough - if it happened before you were born, you wouldn’t know unless you read about it or someone told you. The nuts thing was while I started explaining what happened, another co-worker joined in and said “Yeah, and the never

Or maybe they’re just sharing a memory they have of someone who just died, as people are wont to do, especially those that actually knew him. Plenty of non-celebrities shared pictures of themselves with him too, it’s a just a fairly common way that people grieve.

His great-grandfather and name sake, Armand Hammer, owned Arm & Hammer for awhile. Although it had been named long before him.

Agreed. She chose this and knew full well what she was getting into, with the exception of having to do all of it so publicly as opposed to solely in front of Manhattan new money wannabe socialites and private school moms, or whomever else they could get to hang out with them. She set out to marry a gross old guy with

Unfortunately, while Trump may be most visible asshole in the federal government, he is not the only one.

She chose her gilded cage, and she can rot in it!

Yeah...  Someone correct me if I’m misinformed, but no one accused Lee of wrongdoing until after he was in his 90s.  He was probably some form of crazy.  

Jeeze, kind of a dick aside about Lee. I’m not even going to be snarky or witty in this reply, it was just a total dick comment there, dude.

Nice job shoehorning in those unsubstantiated claims about Lee.