Zoe is a Thug

Not to mention Pete was right and he is fully capable of being a hitman in a porno movie.

I really, really wish Avenatti would go away. He is not helping. Ever.

Who is Michael Obama? Is that one of Barack Obama’s distant cousins in Kenya? If so, why are you so concerned with his genitalia? It’s okay if you’re attracted to men. We here at The Root don’t judge people based on their sexuality.

Seriously, why are there no articles calling for Bernie to sit his ass down?

I am 100% here for Christmas being a 3 months long debacle but I understand why others are not and feel bad that it’s becoming the norm. You’re not a grinch!

Or just ignore them all together.

“Hello.” *Immediately Walks away*

I know there were a lot of ways in which John McCain was not a good person, but I think he would be appalled at how craven and pathetic Lindsay Graham has proven to be.

Bad stuff IS happening daily. But you’re right, most people ARE good.

He has to be represented by a public defender.

These bigots are enraging. Every time I think I’m over it, I see this shit again and I get ENRAGED. Because my family are immigrants from south of the border, and these angry white ignorant motherfuckers don’t know enough about the world to be anything but scared when they see someone being different. Talk about

No he isn’t. 

Well now those are the PERFECT ages for pumpkin patch trips lol

Yeah, my genuine answer to the question of whether or not I knew Elon Musk had five sons was a resounding, shocked no. 

I think the thing is that with in vitro they implant multiples hoping for a viable result. Some folks end up with multiple viable babies they feel they need to carry, some folks reduce that number, and some folks have a ton of implantation issues. Some folks donate fertilized eggs to other couples who are unable

That is my definition of a nightmare.

It suggests fertility treatments. Obviously there’s nothing wrong with that, but the suggestion that he and his first wife used fertility treatments plus the fact that they’re all boys suggests the parents may have specified a desired gender as part of the process...which makes me raise BOTH eyebrows.

I am sure the teens & tweens were delighted to be a the pumpkin patch with daddy & his lady friend.

Yep. You want to punch his face, but note that he got custody of the kids when he & Tatum broke up, and apparently is a decent father to them and the step-kids. 

You’ve hit on something really core. When you damage people, you are left with damaged people. This woman has been chronically abused by her most formative intimates since childhood.  We can’t expect her now to operate in rational, presentable, functional ways. Trauma doesn’t work like that.