Zoe is a Thug

This is infuriating. This isn't about their kids. They put the general public at risk to be selfish assholes. Please, go underground. You don't belong in public

Do you have legal  custody? There are a lot of ways to deal with anxiety buy unless you can fix the underlying situation I don't know how well they will work. 

I've seen evidence that people aren't over losing the Sonics. If this was a less polite city he'd be burned in effigy every year on the anniversary of the move

Who do they blame? It’s obvious to me this is a trump tantrum but you never know with Fox viewers.

Articles like these imply the cost of upkeep for the buildings would disappear if the monarchy ended

Phil looks frail but he’s 97! He still gets around and was sharp as a tack when he retired. He just wants to spend his last year pleasing himself and I think he’s earned it after working to 70 years.

Seriously, it's a hand me down from her great great grandmother. 

The piano thing is annoying since its 150+ years old and in a room used for public business. I understand the argument for an elected head of state but wouldn't that person need security too? Do people think Buckingham palace would be torn down if the monarchy ended? Americans pay for upkeep  of the White House. I

She's 92! Rude to age up a lady.

Tell who also matters. Now ICE goes for low hanging fruit. Why spend time looking for people that are actually a danger to society? It's so much easier to make your numbers with small children and people working to support their families.

It may be rude to point out but a first pregnancy over 35 is high risk.. Megan seems healthy but it's still a good idea to take it easy

This. They have little in common. I'm sure they get along fine but you don't become BFFs without something in common. They may get closer after Megan's baby is born.

Rand  Paul is by far the worst thing on your list

IIRC, the president isn't subject to Hatch

Acidic fruits can “cook” fish. The article makes it sound like they don’t know how to make fire. I bet if they needed fire to stay alive they would have figured it out.

Facinating. I wouldn’t be surprised if not using fire is a choice. It must not get very cold or they have other methods of staying warm .

This is a very good take. Why are you assuming they don’t have the means to create fire? They have to cook somehow. 

At least Mormons learn the language before going to a foreign country

They did bury the body. Since death affects all cultures I’m sure they know how to deal with bodies. It's a risk but I think the risk of sending people in to retrieve the body is greater

They may rethink the plan when residents complain about exploded bird parts falling from the sky.