Zoe is a Thug

Given their age group I’m thinking their parents are spinning as well. 

Make sure you get all the way to the coast. The east half of the state is, um, different.

The Constitution was drafted as the law for the entire country. The idea that we should establish a separate system based on citizenship is un-American and stupid AF. 

A cop helped me yesterday. Of course he was a state trooper and black so maybe it was an aberration.

I think we can all agree that Anthony is the superior Sullivan. Oxy-Clean is useful and Andrew is a racist piece of shit.

I saw them when they opened for U2. I'm not a fan but I was impressed with the musical talent required to play multiple instruments.

I totally agree that its abuse. I’ve always thought of emotional abuse being about power and control. Depp doesn’t seem able to control himself let alone try to control his wife. It’s a distinction without a difference because, as you point out, both are types of abuse.

I don’t know. I don’t see him as an emotional abuser but more as an asshole drunk/druggie that doesn’t give a shit about who he hurts. Like abusers are cunning and know they are gaslighting but Depp does it because he prefers to be drunk or high. Maybe it doesn’t matter when the result is the same. 

Do I think Amber is capable of punching someone in the face? Absolutely.

Fire is too quick, I'm thinking stoning would be appropriate.

4 months before blaming Chris she posted on reddit about a woman who "singlehandedly" destroyed her career. I have a screen shot but not on this device. She had a falling out with Michelle Marrow and speculation is CD is referring to Michelle. Regardless, she had 72 cos play/comiccon jobs during tha time so she wasn't

I think the Twitter handle was taken.

Ok, I took a nap and I'm thinking more clearly. Why does this policy exist? It sounds stupid.

Well, I consider racists to be assholes but calling them out specifically helps. Make the world a better place one asshole at a time.

Well, they did fire the guy.

People need to stop being assholes. It's not that hard.

I use Oil of Ole complete cream in a jar. Not the expensive anti aging stuff, the stuff that’s about $6 a jar. It has 15 SPF and is thick enough to moisturize but isn’t sticky or oily. 

This story made me ill. I haven’t seen GotG (I know, don’t @ me for it) but the way the internet mob jumped on Gunn was scary. Like Sipowitz said, Cernovich led the charge and he is a grade A scumbag. Also, these are from 10 years ago and the tweets have come up before. Objectively these “jokes” are gross, no

What?! Is this on the earlier Dirt Bag? Other than dudes scared for their “boyz” what’s wrong with vasectomies? Fuck that!

I’m astounded by the people that refuse to see her dishonesty. It’s disheartening to see staunch me too supporters continue to defend her. I point out facts and inconsistencies and am called an enabler and more. It’s scary when a person can be condemned by an online mob and nothing can be done to reverse the damage.