Zoe is a Thug

She claimed she was able to get cos play jobs but clearly she did. That’s the point.She had other work as well. She isn’t a struggling artist trying to feed herself. She’s a trust fund kid that likes cosplay.

This person is a nasty troll. She accused me of being a troll because I called that she made up a quote and attributed to Chris. I just dismissed her.

The optics are only bad if you believe in conspiracy theories. L&L has a practice group with experience in these issues. No one involved in the invention would have worked on foundation business. 

My understanding is the reddit post only counts cos-play like jobs and those aren't long term. She's an actress so multiple jobs is a good sign there's no similarly to day labor.

Wow, project much? I never called her names so you resorting to calling me names tells me you can’t dispute the facts. She gave more than enough info to identity him and she didn’t go dark. One of her tweets identified nerdist as the company.

Ooh, when did he say that? Do you have a link?

I haven’t been able to verify that. Janet didn’t talk about Chris on Twitter and Chris rarely mentioned her. His last tweet about Janet was to plug her new role on March 7, 2011. I couldn’t find a definitive date for their breakup. 

My bad, it was only 73 jobs.

She said she “let him sexually assault me”. That’s worse than abuse and is a crime. Of course in the next paragraph she admitted she consented. 3 week after the initial post she edited to “sexually violate” but then changed it back when people noticed and gave a BS excuse for how it happened that Medium tech support

All of the legal stuff is work experience - litigation, discovery, reviewing investigations, etc. 

I’m sorry you went through that and i hope you’re in a better place now. I only started digging because I was attacked for saying something was off. I think some women believe her because they feel if they doubt her then their own experiences will be invalidated.

Right, posting some serious accusations and ending with I HAVE PROOF and then when given the chance to show it saying nawh. That’s bullshit. No one made her post that essay. No one forced her to claim she had proof. She made that choice. YOu may have notice that she omitted her claims of sexual abuse from her statement

It would be easy to find evidence of where each person was based on their social media. For instance, Chloe’s claim about their 1st SDCC doesn’t hold together. There are photos of them together at the 2012 SDCC so she must be talking about the 2011 SDCC which was in July. They didn’t become a couple until Aug. 28

It would be easy to find evidence of where each person was based on their social media. For instance, Chloe’s claim about their 1st SDCC doesn’t hold together. There are photos of them together at the 2012 SDCC so she must be talking about the 2011 SDCC which was in July. They didn’t become a couple until Aug. 28

The Hearst trust is made of almost completely of non-family members and Patricia isn’t a trustee. Loeb & Loeb is HUGE. Law firms that size have many different practice areas that act independently. We’re talking thousands of lawyers. AMC hired the firm likely because the attorney that did the investigation has

Do you have links? I’ve only seen one and the person would name who was angry that she was hired.

Taka look at her twitter, she’s got pleanty of support. 

Who said it fit Chris? It wasn’t anyone that had been in a relationship with him. Being a control freak about your own life and job is not the same as controling your partner. Not liking someone doesn’t mean he’s abusive.

Not liking him has nothing to do with facts. 

Not liking him has nothing to do with facts.