Zoe is a Thug

Isn’t it a little odd though that the misdemeanor conviction is 20 years old? I totally get that a green card holder can be deported for a crime but it seems like that should have happened at the time of conviction.

You’re Canadian right? See, here in ‘Merica we know that all taxes are theft. I’m not kidding, politicians have said that with a straight face. I think in Canada you see what your taxes pay for; health care, college, etc. but in the U.S. the benefits aren’t as clear. Or, at least, people choose to ignore them. It’s

Just one?

Exactly. Why are people being put in federal prison for complying with the law? The entire situation is abhorrent but asylum seekers have the best claims right now. Fucking human rights violations.

Or, you know, presenting yourself at the boarder in accordance with U.S. law.

I don’t know that a civil conversation is possible with Paul but a flying tackle is extreme. I don’t think Dr B intended to do that much damage but then again if he thought it through he wouldn’t have done it.

Labrador is a douche canoe. He gave up his seat to run for governor and lost in the primary. I don’t know what he’s holding out for.

I’m still amazed that much damage was the result of a tackle. It seems like a fluke given since no one claims there was a subsequent beat down. Rand is a dick. If Dr B had confronted Paul face to face and then punched him I may have given a pass. 21 months in the federal pen seems excessive but straight probation

Come on state charges!

I’m still interested in the physics of this. Dr. Rene isn’t a large man and, IIRC, he had a back injury (he made a fortune on a device he invented for back pain). So, how does Rand end up with 6 broken ribs from a tackle

Broccolini. Why bother?

Obama said he’d consider it and the right roasted him.

Kim is Joffery without the charm but those around him are evil mother fuckers too. As long as the inner circle exists Kim is interchangeable.

True dat. I hate the term “illegal immigrant”. We need comprehensive reform that allows people to come and work legally and paths to citizenship. I’m a realist. Asylum seekers are more likely to benefit from agitation right now.

Ah, one more thing.

If I hear asylum seekers referred to as illegal immigrants or attempting to enter illegally I’m going to scream. It is perfectly legal to present yourself at a boarder crossing and request asylum. People are being arrested and detained and their children taken away for a completely legal act. The media is failing to

Washington is already taking a hit became Mexico slapped a tariff on apples. We’re a blue state because most of the population is centered on the west coast but the center and east are deep red. Guess who gets hurt.

I’ve always been skeptical of Canadians, you’re too nice so you must be up to something. Now I’m just hoping I can make it to the boarder in time.

In 1980 (I think) there were these commercials on TV late at night and early in the morning with a bunch of kids singing O Canada. They were wearing red rain coats and formed a maple leaf shape. I asked my mom what that was all about. She said it was a thank you for helping to save Americans in Iran.

The actual meeting is on an island. Now, I don’t want to say anything that would bring the FBI to my door I’m just pointing out an opportunity. My only problem is though low there would be some collateral damage.