Zoe is a Thug

Multti-generational homes are normal in a lot of countries. Given the excessive amount of student debt that Millennials are saddled with its not unreasonable to move back home for financial reasons. You aren’t that loser that did nothing to contribute for so long his parents had to sue to get him out. That ass hat is

What’s this buck a beer thing? Did Ford promise to lower the cost to $1?

I believe that if Merkel wanted to she could snap his neck in the blink of an eye and just keep walking.

Greeted as liberators. I’m down for invasion if the bring their healthcare.

Shit. I don’t know any French.

Trump free is enough for me.

See, I didn’t know immigration process was synonymous with human rights violations and government endorsed kidnapping.

We need to start calling the tax cuts what they really are, corporate welfare.

Bee became a naturalized U.S. citizen. She’s ours now, bawhawha!!!

When she died Huffington Post had KATE SPADE DEAD in massive font at the top of the page. I don’t know why, but the callousness struck me. No recognition of her as a person. I’m still disgusted.

I’m white AF but raisins in potato salad?? No fucking way. Karen is not invited.

You started your post with an insult an I’m snippy? I was responding to a post that questioned the issuing of a pardon as an admission of guilt. As I’m sure you know, the argument is that the acceptance of a pardon is acceptance of guilt since a person isn’t obligated to accept a pardon. You were making an argument

I may regret asking but why would anyone boo Santa?

I don’t remember if their mom was still alive at that point but you gotta expect some pressure to pardon baby brother.

What are you talking about? Amber is awful but that doesn’t mean violence against her is ok. Johnny acts like a dick but that isn’t a reason to say he doesn’t deserve to get sober.

The arrogance of this guy is astounding. The documentary evidence for bank fraud is enough to put him away.

Melania is an objectively bad person. She’s a spoiled rich lady who couldn’t give 2 shits about anyone other than her parents and her son. Her only path to redemption is if she pushes *45 down the stairs and ends the misery for all of us.

A White House this leaky could never keep something like that under wraps.

Amber Herd is a trash person. She was using Johnny for his money and took advantage of his inebriated state to do things like move her friends into buildings he owns to live rent free. That said, I can totally believe Johnny throwing things and getting out of control. I’m skeptical of the extent but I totally believe

Do you know the meaning of “implies”? There’s a reason I didn’t make it an affirmative statement as there is disagreement as to whether this is settled law.