Crap. Did you see her name? Tomorrow’s tweet storm is going to be vile.
Crap. Did you see her name? Tomorrow’s tweet storm is going to be vile.
Missing Easter services was big but I can’t think of anything else he missed. Anyone who hits 90 must be aware of their own mortality. Harry is close to Phil and it would be a blow to lose him before the wedding. I imagine the Queen will decline rapidly once Phil goes.
I totally agree. I’m just wondering why Mortal said Phil had missed several events. I thought his retirement meant he wouldn’t be attending anything except family events like Harry’s wedding. I wish him well if only because the Queen would be devastated by his loss.
Evangelicals need Israel to bring on the end times. I don’t think their love of Jews is sincere.
Phil is retired so isn’t that an excuse for missing key events? I mean he should have shown up for church but what else?
Domestic situation but I doubt that’s the case here.
This really isn’t that different than people pining for Mueller to finally indict 45* and save us all. It’s comforting to think a super hero will swoop in and fix things. The cold hard truth is that we have to save ourselves.
Yeah, that was a typo.
If she had issued a real apology instead of the self serving bullshit she posted it would have ended there. It’s not the kid card. He put forth his argument for common sense gun control and instead of arguing the point Ingram mocked and belittled him for not getting in to his first choice college. Ingram is the one…
Mueller was a U.S. attorney long before he ran the FBI. He will take the time he needs to build his cases. Pending midterms won’t play into his thinking. As much as I want to believe Mueller with deliver us we can only rely on ourselves to get out of this mess.
What the Fuck? Who puts mayo in mashed potatoes?
So, Trump is joining a motion to compel arbitration under an agreement that she didn’t sign and that his personal lawyer says he knew nothing about? I’m speechless.
Another daily reminder that Ryan Zinke is a piece of shit.
Your comment proves I need glasses and/or to work on my reading comprehension skills. I thought you wrote “hit by a car”, coyote or racoon so I was thinking how is getting hit by a car natural causes? This after I thought the headline was “Taylor Swift gets 10 years”.
His future behavior will determine if he deserves forgiveness. I think accepting an apology is an acknowledgement that the person wants to make amends. Forgiveness is different
Well, I’m going out on a limb here but I doubt Frank has a time machine. An apology is his only option and his wasn’t some bullshit about people who were offended. I’m not nominating him for sainthood; he tweeted some awful shit and Twitter is bringing the instant karma.
I can’t say if Frank is sincere but it a good apology. He admitted he was wrong, accepted responsibility, and asked for forgiveness.
Interesting. My co-worker’s son went to rehab and the was something about his age that was better for the program. I don’t remember all of the details but I believe it was about the brain not being developed until 25.
I may have a rage stroke. The people walking through Mexico aren’t illegal as the Fox definition applies to people who have committed the “crime” of entering the U.S. without authorization. More so, they aren’t even planning to cross illegally. They plan to ask for asylum which is a legal process. I’m not sure migrant…
I thought her problem was drugs. I’m not familiar with addiction issues, can someone who has recovered from cocaine still drink?