Zoe is a Thug

Rooney admits it’s bullshit but he’s not running again.

And it’s pretty well known that Putin HATES Hillary.

Shit. As a gen Xer I’m used to being ignored smashed as we are between boomers and millennials but now the WSJ wants to eliminate us all together.

My friends then 6 year old called him the mean yelling man during the debates. People should really take notice of how kids react to people. Kids and dogs. If my dog doesn’t like you then you must be in league with satan.

That is about the dumbest rule I’ve ever heard. Obviously 45 is a piece of shit far outside the norms of shitty presidents but Todd is teaching his kids not to question government.

Stormy’s attorney signed off on the agreement too. I wonder where he went to law school. Maybe that’s why she has a new lawyer now.

I saw that. Albert knew how to play on Hermann’s ego.

I’ve never seen a settlement agreement written like this. The sgnature blocks imply a 3 party agreement but the Paties are defined as EC and/or DD on the one part and PP on the other. The and/or is weird. If EC has the ability to act on behalf of DD then the EC signature would suffice? EC is providing the

I had no idea Albert existed. He’s an interesting figure.

I hear you on the meh. I’ve always been frugal and lucky enough to not have student loans. That said I do regret not doing more when I was younger. Taking trips and that kind of thing.

401k is a must; the earlier the better. Try to contribute enough to get the full employer match. Saving $12000 is a good goal but what is it for? Is that your emergency fund or are you saving for something specific? I’m not a fan of CDs, if you need those funds for an emergency they are tied up. From a return

Same. Their fight is with the church, bringing Katy and her slutty, slutty ways is a smoke screen that makes the nuns look bad. The issue is that the nuns do Not own the property, the church does. There aren’t enough nuns left to keep the convent open and it is hella expensive to maintain. The church needs money,

It’s more nuanced than that. When you get a speeding ticket you aren’t subject to detention. If you dispute that ticket you don’t get a lawyer appointed to defend you nor do you get a jury of your peers. You see, we have 2 types of laws, civil laws and criminal laws. Break a civil law and it’s an infraction; break a

Responding to bump up and because I agree. I grew up in North Idaho where everyone was white. Literally the only people of color in my high school were foreign exchange students. I live in the big city now and work in a diverse company. I love being around people of different backgrounds and I like learning about how

Maybe it will take on a new meaning like how literally is now used as figuratively.

Nuance died of loneliness after critical thinking disappeared.

My friends know I’m exagerating but also that I’m not the best person to be the emergency floor captain.

I think of it as a date rapist stash. Don’t date that dude.

I’m so sorry. Losing Zoe was really hard. I have a new puppy now but I still miss my Zoe - even though she was a thug.

On Monday there was a workman on our floor at work. I could hear drilling etc. Being the nosy person that I am I went to see what he had done once he cleared out. There’s a big red button under a plastic cover that says PUSH next to the elevator bank. Now a button that is clearly inviting me to push is hard to resist.