Zoe is a Thug

What’s interesting to me is we tell kids all of the time not to judge people by their looks but by who they are on the inside but the minute someone declares that their brain says a different gender than their physical characteristics the physical should rule.

Unavailable due to alcohol detox works too. :)

no chance he get’s away with blowing the whole thing off. This is high profile and the issue is bigger than the Russia investigation. We can’t have people ignoring grand jury subpoenas.

At this point I’m wondering if this cable news meltdown is a plot. He gets a doctor to certify his mental breakdown and goes off to “rehab” making him unavailable to testify. Sneaky.

Ortega has no other defense available. There is no doubt that she did it; she basically admitted to killing the kids. Her only option is to plead guilty and go to prison for the rest of her life or claim she wasn’t responsible for her actions due to her mental illness and maybe go to treatment and have the

After the SCOTUS decision allowing indeterminate detention nothing surprises me anymore. This was inhumane treatment.

The original deal worked out between Schumer and Graham included money for the fucken wall. The suddenly Cotton is at the meeting and Trump does his shithole shtick.

Adding only that “collusion” isn’t a crime, i.e. no federal law defines collusion. Conspiracy however is all over the U.S. code. You are so right about the cover up being worse.

Sadly I agree. Her smile is beautiful but the dress doesn’t do anything for me.

Oh dear. She fell victim to unfortunately placed darts.

I can’t tell if she’s doing that thing where keep your shoulders and upper arm stiff to keep your dress from slipping.

This dress in red, I would die.

There’s too much to say!

I already saw those Twitter comments on Huffington post. Sooooo stupid.

I’m pretty sure this comment is a stylist’s worst nightmare. I have no words for Janet Mock who is the personification of a goddess in that gown.

The OP referenced children of color so I was responding to that. Indoctrination is of course harmful but less personal.

Lol. Dogs don’t have ulterior motives. The cat could like Dad more than the rest of the family or hate him more. Worse the cat may think Dad needs to go and cat will take his place.

See this is why I have a dog.

True, but the line is out the door and there’s a ridiculous sign about pennies. I like top pot maple bars better, I can add my own bacon.

Have you tried switching to a foot cream that’s NOT made from bacon fat?