Zoe is a Thug

Only if the panda is there to run the interrogation

Phil was in the shit during WW2 and deserves mad props for that. He’s not culturally sensitive but he’s done his duty for 70 years. As sorry as i am to say it I think you’re right that Liz will decline quickly without Phil. On the up side, Harry severed in Afghanistan and is working hard for veterans. Phil can be

Heroin doesn’t damage the brain as much? WTF?!

I hope Gu Gu wiped shit on her paw right before.

That was true until this pic. Bitch does not deserve to me a panda.

That is very impressive, its not easy to get into med school. I have a feeling that you will be so busy the next 4 years you’ll be able to ignore the Fox background. I’m sure there will be other students in the same boat to bond with.

Ditto. I’m bummed about Dark Matter though.

Yeah, that one might break me

I can never remember, which one is in Killjoys?

Might I add *pushing up glasses* Justice strict constructionist my ass Scalia supported the decision that negated the opening clause. May he rot in hell.

Well, you did say she denied it at the time. The article was written as an adult. Also, the judge’s conclusion was part of the custody case and not part of any criminal charges.

This is so awful. We can send money and remind our senators and reps that we want something done, it’s not enough but I don’t know what else to do.

My company’s PAC is limited to exempt salaried employees only. I’ve never been happier to be hourly

A grifter recognizes a grift

Stated much more eloquently than I. IIRC Mark withdrew his pardon request due to backlash,he only wanted it to make it easier to get a liquor license. I’m not going to deny this guy a career, he served his time and straightened up, but a pardon requires more than that.

Her mother killed her father in self defence and Charlize was present. I’m not finding anything saying Charlize killed anyone herself.

Money is the primary for a lot of things.

Well said.

That’s a hard question. Mark served time and hasn’t re-offended so you could say that he’s been rehabilitated. I believe we have to give people a second chance after release, otherwise what’s the point of even trying to change?

I bought on on Prime Day but didn’t realize there are different sizes. I don’t need 8 quarts and it takes forever to get to pressure.

I bought on on Prime Day but didn’t realize there are different sizes. I don’t need 8 quarts and it takes forever to