Zoe is a Thug

And the alleged assault to place in a different state. I don’t see how the LAPD could investigate.

 Wasn’t she like 7 months along? I remember thinking a woman that pregnant filing for divorce must have a compelling reason.

Dude, that’s cold. My license says 5'4" which is close. Occasionally I’ll stand on a stool and I’m amazed. It’s a different world. On the plus side, I can stand up on a plane and not hit the overhead bin.

But as with the English language we learned it from the Brits but we perfected it.

Where’s the security video? Was no one else on the street with a phone? It’s 2017 man, we need video!

I’d forgotten about the possible state charges

That or the 59 year old doctor is a bad ass.

I read a story that referenced an ongoing feud but it didn’t give any context.

Do you think there’s more to the story? Every story says he was tackled and knocked down. I’m sure that would hurt but would it be enough to break 5 ribs?

While I agree with you I’m still holding out for this to be a neighborhood dispute. I’m not pro attacking your neighbors but Rand seems like the kind of guy that leaves his garbage bins out all week.

Isn’t he the guy that brought coffee for the cabinet meeting?

Yeah, we’re screwed

Sessions didn’t mean to talk to the Russians, he was taken aback and too much of a southern gentleman to ask them to leave. You see, its not collusion it’s just good manners.

Don’t be rude and people won’t tell you to fuck off. Simple.

Well there’s that. My point really is that there was an investigation unlike the Harvey situation.

I’m fine with being corrected if im wrong and if someone disagrees. What pissed need off was being called a liar. I just dismissed a 3 post calling me a count, a liar, and saying I’m protecting a pedophile. Acorn said potterpoet isn’t a troll so I’m going to assume Allen is her trigger and move on. I’m not sure why it

Oh Fuck Off. You can’t say I’m wrong without calling me a liar? I wasn’t going to respond because it will bring you out of the grays and you don’t deserve it. So, again, Fuck You.

Do you know this potterpoet in the grays? I dont want to promote a troll but I really want to tell her to Fuck Off. If I’m mistaken or she disagrees that’s fine but telling me to stop lying is bullshit.

You’re right about there being more too it. I recall dueling experts and use of the media. This was 20+ years ago so I don’t recall all of the details. My point is more that this was investigated and not an open secret for years.

His sister’s case was actually investigated at the time. It was a total shit show. Mia and Woody were all over the tabloids; Woody’s relationship with Soon-ye had just come out. The DA was involved. In the end investigators found Dylan had been coached by Mia. They couldn’t establish if Mia made it up or if she just