How does someone become as soulless and cruel as Mick Mulvaney?
How does someone become as soulless and cruel as Mick Mulvaney?
I read that it was a nail bomb right after my comment. This is horrible on multiple levels.
Is it wrong to hope this was a gas explosion?
Gee, I prefer to have a president that doesn’t want to start another war. I’m not sure why you believe N Korea is stable, maybe you’re sitting in one of Kim’s propaganda bunkers. Regardless, Jong Un, like his father before him, acts provocatively for attention but this time we have someone willing to take the bait.
For the last 8 years we had sane and capable president. Now we have a cranky toddler in charge of the military. Kim acting crazy is a lot scarier when the man baby in charge is dumb as fuck.
I think wearing that will fitting dress the color of blergh was payment enough.
Which is why my comment was based on what was printed in The Sun.
Were you playing a magic flute?
Charlotte is playing a long game.
She’ll be 8 this Friday
Thanks. She’s on anti nausea and appetite stimulants and I’m giving her chicken and steak. Her bark sounds different.
Sad news on Zoe this week. The internist found inoperable tumors in her spleen and around the liver and into her chest. The in house oncologist recommended against chemo. I’m taking her to another oncologist on Tuesday for a second opinion and because I was busy ugly crying to ask questions.
Thailand waited for their Prime Minister to leave on a foreign trip and the had a coup. As far as I know the ex-PM wasn’t ever able to return. Just a thought.
I think they were originally sold as a way to test different instruction methods. You know, for the good of the children. Fucking liars.
I’m actually expressing my overall disdain for charters. In no way am I trying to imply that racist bullshit doesn’t occur everywhere.
That’s another rant. The schools are technically non-profit but they then contract with a for profit company to run it. The company specifically creates the nonprofit for this reason.
Charter schools piss me off and this bullshit is just one reason. I’m all for providing alternative methods of instruction, some kids don’t flourish under the standard model, but the should all be under the school board.
Pippa is less than half my size, she’s welcome to throw down.
I hope she at least makes it a bit shorter be for wearing it again.
I’ve never heard that term before. Is this color supposed to represent the angst of being young and saddled with crushing debt?