
Not wholly correct. When a company designs for plus size, they in turn alienate some of their non-plus-size customer base. Now, I don’t know which scenario would earn more money, but to think that adding a plus-size line only adds customer instead of adding some of one demographic and reducing those from another

Yes, it is sad. The thing with fashion is it’s foremost appeal (before we’re all struggling to fit into jeans in a change room) is to sell a fantasy. You can be *this* thin, *this* rich, *this* cool - it’s selling you a lifestyle they presume women want to obtain, so women will spend all the money to obtain a piece of

But that Trump quote actually made me think “huh, Kim Kardashian normally gives more cohesive statements than that.” That’s where we are. Our president sounds stupider than Kim Kardashian.

41 is the new 50?

“Try to allow your hair to air dry to prevent less heat styling.”

Biggest surprise of that story — Blake Shelton is only 41?????

“i want to look like a normal in the summer. only half as beautiful as my usual self.”

also she said she wants “easy, effortless, paired down beauty” instead of “pared down” and now my hate for her has doubled.

Hung jury. There is apparently nothing that can overcome the reasonable doubt created by a man saying “the lying slut wanted it.”

I also made this announcement but I am in the greys. Thanks for the PSA.

“the book?”

I am old enough to have had several long term jobs during my “career.” Out of the half dozen, the two worst, I mean fucking awful, were the husband and wife run companies. No predictable work flow, no structure, absolutely no avenues for feedback. On the phone wrapping up a multi thousand dollar deal and wifey comes

This is a pretty huge case of Team Nobody, I’d say.

“Brick and mortar blog” +1

She works for an Internet blog, not a brick-and-mortar blog.

I learned a rule from a friend a while ago, and have come to believe in it 100%.

I can definitely see republicans using it as an excuse to cancel all future town hall meetings and to avoid the press or the public. And to crack down on protesters.

I would have loved to forget there were men making pop music but somehow all my local stations are STILL playing the same three Maroon 5 songs, each one the same and yet worse than the last.

Katy Purry just realized ball is not on her side of the court.

Harder said than done for the anxiety wracked amongst us, but a good goal to work for. Another technique I’ve picked up over the years is to remind myself that people spend 99% of the time thinking of themselves and not thinking about a minor stupidity that an acquaintance said.