
I read it as “yes, he’s fired bc we don’t want protests or to lose our business, but we think he ought to be allowed to spend time with his nazi friends and make these kinds of demonstrations if he wants to, and let the chips fall where they may. We don’t really care if he holds these views.”

“Cosmeceuticals” is a made-up term by the spa industry—pure marketing. Products marketed in this world are not evaluated any differently than department, specialty or even drug store products. They do not necessarily have more concentrated or powerful ingredients, and they’re not necessarily more effective. They

To understand the sign you kinda need to know a little about Top Dog. Despite mainly serving liberals (the original south side location was one of the best end of drinking stops when I went to Cal), the owner is a big believer in libertarian economic theory. Talking Austrian school of econ/ von Mises Institute -

Honestly that frozen look on celebrities aged 19 to 72 can be so off putting I really think people are embracing some wrinkles.

“They’re just being renamed and re-fashioned into products that appeal to a generation that is disinterested in combating aging.”

This is a Klan rally? I thought it was a bake sale!

So GoDaddy was totally cool with DailyStormer up until now?

“Welcome to the Department of Justice!”

I so want them to get married, and then refuse to invite the Trumps. He would be so deeply wounded to be rejected by the yugest bestest royal family. He’d probably try and charge Meghan with treason or something.

Harry would be average af if he weren’t royalty and being compared to a family that looks like a bunch of 18th century Habsburg rejects.

She’s the more attractive of the pair.

That is a terrible ‘composite’ of a Markle baby: Apparently here she will be as a teen

I am a little irritated by the praise heaped on very rich women for being able to maintain their looks as they age. I think we could all knock a few years off our appearance if we had a few spare million for skincare lying around.

aging backwards is code for billionaire husband and the best plastic surgeons, I think

—Future Donald Trump tweet!

I’ve been having serious marital problems this year and might get divorced. I also have young kids. The few friends who know what’s going on have been such amazing support. If any non-friend found out and started talking shit like they knew what was going on I’d want to kill them. Sometimes it must really suck to be

I don’t want to [bombard] Anna, but I do want them to know…anything they need from me, I’m there for them. I just love [them] both.” 

She has a very beautiful, thinner face. Much like Tess Holliday. It’s ok to be a plus size model but your face can’t show it

What annoys me is that he lost weight, got fit and suddenly he’s hottie of the year.... but even then.... Anna was and is and always will be way hotter and above his average ass. He sucks. His ego got too big. I thought he was so hot when he was a rugged chubby dude.

My general rule is that if a couple is always posting public statements about how much they love each other and how happy they are that they are just hiding some dark shit from us and probably from themselves as well.