
I want to scream to the highest heavens about how much I hate the look of Botox and facelifts, but I know I’d be offending people around me. When I go to LA it’s unbearable, but you can’t escape it anywhere. HAVING NO FACIAL EXPRESSIONS IS CREEPY. I also hate the message younger women get when they look around at

I’m confused by their note— “individual freedom” and “voluntary association” are not the key issues I see with this incident. I call hedging.

To be fair, that is pretty similar.

It reminds me of the social media personality who tweeted Carrie Fisher’s death from a plane because she “didn’t know how else to process this.” It’s so transparent.

Also, does anyone else think she looks like a size 8, max? Is this really a body type that’s remarkable, in any direction, at all?

If you’ve ever been a grad student in a liberal-leaning university department, you’ve see it play out there too. It’s ugly.

That’s what it seemed like when Kamala Harris was questioning Sessions. I don’t know the details of procedure but it seemed that she lost her time and got shut down.

I thought I remembered these additional mortifying quotes from the time...and now I’ve just confirmed:

That would be ideal, I agree, but he’s looking at a presidential run in 2020, thus pretty adamant about birth control.

College? Try middle school (and I’m 35). Usually, my dream problem is that I don’t know what rooms my classes are in, or don’t know my class schedule at all, and don’t have the right books to bring with me. I wouldn’t even know if there was a test. Your failure dream is a relative success!

I’d only buy high-rise.

Does this involve blowdrying with a round brush, or a curling iron, and hairspray? I have tried so many times to get this look...

Yes! I used to think they were cheaping out with all those thin jersey dresses that just had one elastic waistband for structure, but compared to this, that was tailoring!

Yep, see also the very mixed responses from women whenever “normal” bodies are used in modeling. We think we want authenticity, but we’re very, very used to fantasy.

I kind of doubt that he actually gave that speech as transcribed, but agree that it’s the right sentiment. (It reminds me of a friend telling a story “and I was like!....” with some righteous comeback they supposedly gave, when in fact they just shuffled off into the corner.)

That’s a pretty common effect of Botox.

I can’t really stay out of the greys either. I don’t know why we’re having so much trouble getting this information out.

I really like Halsey’s voice. I feel it has a unique texture—somehow strong and fragile at the same time. However, I listened to all her popular songs and couldn’t like any of them. It makes sense that she’s singing within a certain genre that’s hot right now, and maybe her voice is even particularly well-suited to

But Karlie Kloss is dating Jared Kushner’s brother?